Advanced Tab - Edit Rule Dialog Box

Advanced Tab

The Advanced tab contains the following options:

  • Resource String Category —Category in the resource ( .ini ) file you create in the <TestStand Public> \Components\Language directory. The tags in the category section of the .ini file indicate to localize the strings associated with the custom rule name, description, settings, and enumeration item names. Leave this control empty if you do not want to localize any strings.
  • Configuration Option Configuration option for the rule. You can choose from the following options:
    • None —The custom rule is not configurable.
    • Use Configuration Module —The TestStand Sequence Analyzer configures the custom rule by invoking a rule configuration module that launches a custom dialog box. Entering a VI path hides the Function control and displays the Run VI in LabVIEW Run-Time Engine control. Entering a DLL path displays the Function control. Entering a .NET assembly path displays the Class and Method controls. Entering a LabVIEW NXG project displays a Module Name control that allows you to choose a VI from the selected project.

      Select this option when you want to accomplish any of the following:

      • Create a custom dialog box in LabVIEW, LabWindows/CVI, .NET, Microsoft Visual C++, or LabVIEW NXG to configure the custom rule
      • Store data more complex than Boolean, number, string, or enumeration values, such as a list of string values
      • Use custom controls, tree controls, or list controls in a dialog box
      When you select this option, you must enter the path of the VI, .NET assembly, DLL module, or LabVIEW NXG project the sequence analyzer calls to configure the rule. For .NET assemblies, you must also specify the class and method to call. For DLLs, you must also specify the function in the DLL to call. For LabVIEW NXG, you must specify the name of a VI within the selected project.
      • Run VI in LabVIEW Run-Time Engine —When you enable this option, you can always use a LabVIEW Run-Time Engine (RTE) to run the VI, regardless of the global LabVIEW Adapter setting. This option specifies that the LabVIEW Adapter settings must be ignored and the VI must be loaded with the same version of the LabVIEW RTE in which the VI was last compiled. This guarantees that the VI will always be loaded with a specific version of the LabVIEW RTE, even if another version exists. When you disable this option, the sequence analyzer uses the LabVIEW Adapter settings to determine whether to run the VI in the LabVIEW RTE or in the LabVIEW development system.
      • Function —Name of the function in the DLL that the sequence analyzer calls. This control is visible only when you enter a path to a DLL.
      • Class —Name of the class in the .NET assembly that has the method the sequence analyzer calls. This control is visible only when you enter a path to a .NET assembly.
      • Method —Name of the method on the class in the .NET assembly that the sequence analyzer calls. This control is visible only when you enter a path to a .NET assembly.
      • Module Name —The VI from the LabVIEW NXG project that the sequence analyzer calls. This control is visible only when you enter a LabVIEW NXG project in the Path control.
    • Use Rule Settings —The sequence analyzer configures the custom rule by launching the Rule Settings dialog box, which shows individual rule settings . When you select this option, you can add, remove, and edit rule settings, including settings for the custom setting name, type, and default value. The sequence analyzer uses the Resource String Category option on this tab to localize rule setting names. Select this option when you do not need to create a custom dialog box to configure the rule. Rule settings can have number, string, Boolean, or enumeration types. The sequence analyzer saves the values for the rule settings in the analyzer project. During analysis, the corresponding rule module accesses the setting values from the RuleConfiguration.RuleSettingValues property for the rule. The following table describes the kind of controls the Rule Settings dialog box specifies for each setting type and the type of data stored in the RuleSettingValue object.
      Rule Setting Type Control in Rule Settings Dialog Box Type of RuleSettingValue.Value Comments
      Number Text control Double You must enter a valid floating-point number.
      String Text control String You can enter any string.
      Boolean Checkbox control Boolean
      Rule Settings Enumeration Ring control Double Each item in the ring control corresponds to an item in the enumeration.
      Use a rule settings enumeration type when you want to select a named value from a list you define. Click the Enums button located to the right of the rule settings table to launch the Edit Rule Settings Enumerations dialog box, in which you create new rule settings enumeration types to use for rule settings. You can customize the rule description to include information about the setting values by adding the text %( SettingName ) to the Description control on the General tab of the Edit Rule dialog box. The sequence analyzer replaces each instance of the string %( SettingName ) in the rule description with the value for the setting named SettingName.
    When you select the Use Configuration Module or Use Rule Settings options, the TestStand Sequence Analyzer includes a Settings button next to the rule name in the Rule column on the Rules pane of the Current Sequence Analyzer Project window in the TestStand Sequence Editor or on the Rules tab of the stand-alone TestStand Sequence Analyzer application .

See Also

Accessing Rule Configuration Data in Rule Configuration Modules and Analysis Modules

Accessing Rule Settings in Analysis Modules

Creating Rule Configuration Modules

Current Sequence Analyzer Project Window

Edit Rule Settings Enumerations dialog box

Effectively Using LabVIEW with TestStand

Effectively Using LabVIEW NXG with TestStand

LabVIEW Adapter

Localizing Custom Rules

Making a Custom Rule Configurable

Rule Settings dialog box


TestStand Sequence Analyzer Application