Advanced Tab - Edit Open SQL Statement Dialog Box
- Updated2024-10-09
- 2 minute(s) read
Advanced Tab - Edit Open SQL Statement Dialog Box
Advanced Tab
The Advanced tab of the Edit Open SQL Statement dialog box specifies optional attributes TestStand can set when opening an SQL statement. In most cases, the database defines default values for each attribute. When you select the Use Default option, the step does not set the attribute. Some databases do not support all the attributes in the Edit Open SQL Statement dialog box.
The Advanced tab contains the following options:
- Page Size in Records —The number of records in a page.
- Max Records to Select —The maximum number of records the connection returns from the data source.
- Command Timeout —The number of seconds TestStand waits for a command to execute.
- Cache Size —The number of records the connection maintains in a memory buffer and how many records the connection retrieves at one time.
Cursor Type
—The type of cursor for the SQL statement. Select one of the following options from the ring control:
- Dynamic —Additions, changes, and deletions by other users are visible, and all types of movement through the set of records are allowed.
- Static —Additions, changes, or deletions by other users are not visible.
- Forward Only —Identical to a static cursor, except you can only scroll forward through records. This improves performance when you want to make a single pass through a set of records.
- Keyset —Similar to a dynamic cursor, except you cannot see records other users add. Records other users delete are inaccessible from your set of records. Data changes by other users within records are visible.
Cursor Location
—Specifies where the data source maintains cursors for a connection. Select one of the following options from the ring control:
- Server —Uses cursors the data provider supplies. These cursors are sometimes very flexible and allow for additional sensitivity to reflect changes other users make to the actual data.
- Client —Uses client-side cursors a local cursor library supplies. Local cursor engines often allow many features driver-supplied cursors might not.
Marshal Options
—Specifies how modified data is written back to the server. Select one of the following options from the ring control:
- Write All Records —All records are written back to the server.
- Write Modified Records Only —Only modified data is written back to the server.
Lock Type
—Specifies when the data source locks a record. Select one of the following options from the ring control:
- Read Only —You cannot alter the data in a record.
- Pessimistic —The provider does what is necessary to ensure successful editing of the records, usually by locking records at the data source immediately upon editing.
- Optimistic —The provider only locks records when you put the data back to the database.
- Batch Optimistic —This type is required for batch updates.
Command Type
—Specifies how Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) interprets the SQL statement. Select one of the following options from the ring control:
- Unknown —Microsoft ADO attempts to determine the command type.
- Text —SQL statement or, for some providers, a command string in the command language the provider uses.
- Table —Used for a table name.
- Stored Procedure —A call to a stored procedure.