Additional Results Dialog Box

Select Configure Additional Results in the context menu for the step or click Additional Results on the General tab of the Step Properties dialog box to launch the Additional Results dialog box from a TestStand User Interface .

Use this dialog box to add and configure additional results. An additional result is a value TestStand adds to the result list of a step when the step executes and when you skip a step or force the step to pass or fail. An additional result can be a module parameter or a custom additional result in which you specify the name and value of the result. You can configure TestStand to automatically include additional results in reports and when logging results to a database. The default TestStand report generation sequences and XML style sheets do not display additional results for skipped steps.

The Additional Results dialog box contains the following options:

  • Additional Results —Lists the additional results TestStand logs when you execute the step. The list contains any additional results you have added. If the step calls a code module , the list also contains all parameters passed to the module. Use the following controls to modify an additional result:
    • Name —An expression that specifies the name of the additional result. TestStand logs only the additional results you select using the checkbox next to the additional result name. For custom additional results, you normally use a literal string or the ResStr expression function to specify a localized name. If the expression you specify as the Value to Log evaluates to a property object with a name, you can leave the Name field empty to use the name of the property object the Value to Log expression evaluates to as the name of the additional result. For parameter additional results, TestStand uses the name of the parameter, and you cannot change this value.
      • Check or uncheck parameters using a filter —Launches a menu that contains the following items. This option appears only for steps that have parameters.
        • Check Non-Filtered Parameters —Places a checkmark in all parameters not included in the parameter filter.
        • Uncheck Filtered Parameters —Removes the checkmark from all parameters included in the parameter filter.
        • Configure Parameter Filter —Launches the Configure Parameter Filter dialog box, in which you can define the parameter filter.
      • Select Result From List —For a custom additional result, select an item from the list to set all columns to a value the item defines. The list contains items that apply to any step and might also contain items specific to the step type.
    • Value to Log —An expression that specifies the value of the additional result. For a parameter additional result, TestStand uses the value passed to or from the code module. You can log the additional result for an output parameter not stored in a variable.
    • Type —The type of the additional result.

      For parameter additional results, the Type column shows the type of the parameter and you cannot change the value. For custom additional results, you can click the Change Result Type button to change the expected type of the additional result. When you click the Change Result Type button and select <Any Type> , the Value to Log expression can evaluate to any type and the Type column displays the type of the Value to Log expression.

      When you click the Change Result Type button and select a type, you can expand the Name column of the Additional Results list to view the subproperties of the selected type and specify settings for each subproperty. For example, you can specify a Value to Log expression for each individual subproperty and leave the Value to Log expression for the top-level object empty, or remove the checkmark next to the Name column for an additional result to not log that subproperty.

      When you click the Change Result Type button and select an array type, you can expand the Name column of the Additional Results list to view the subproperties of the array elements of the selected type and specify settings for each individual subproperty of the array elements. The settings you specify apply to every element of the array. For example, you can remove the checkmark next to the additional result name to not log that subproperty for every array element. You cannot specify a Value to Log expression for each individual array element subproperty. You must specify a Value to Log expression for the array itself.

    • Condition —If you specify a condition that evaluates to False , TestStand does not log the additional result.
    • Include in Report —Sets the PropFlags_IncludeInReport flag on the additional result, which indicates that the report displays the additional result.
    • Is Measurement —Sets the PropFlags_IsMeasurementValue flag on the additional result, which indicates that the additional result is a measurement.
    • Is Limit —Sets the PropFlags_IsLimit flag on the additional result, which indicates that the additional result is a test limit.
  • Add Result From List —Behaves the same as the Select Result From List button, except the Add Result From List button inserts a new custom result before setting the column values.
  • Add Custom Result —Adds a new custom additional result.
  • Remove Selected Result —Removes the currently selected custom additional result.
  • Move Selected Result Up —Moves the currently selected custom additional result up in the Additional Results list.
  • Move Selected Result Down —Moves the currently selected custom additional result down in the Additional Results list.

See Also

Built-In Step Types

Configure Parameter Filter dialog box


Step Properties dialog box