
These constants represent options you can use with the tokenizeOptions parameter of the Expression.Tokenize method. Use the bitwise-OR operator to specify more than one option.

  • TokenizeOption_NoOptions –(Value: 0x0) No options.
  • TokenizeOption_PreserveComments –(Value: 0x1) Use this option to prevent the Expression object from removing comment tokens during tokenization.
  • TokenizeOption_RecognizeCPPIdentifiers –(Value: 0x4) Use this option to specify that the Expression.Tokenize method recognizes C++ scope resolution and template operators when determining if a token is a valid identifier.
    Note This option is only for parsing. You cannot use C++ scope resolution and template operators in identifiers in an expression you evaluate.
  • TokenizeOption_RecognizeIncompleteExpression –(Value: 0x3) Use this option to separately tokenize each line of an expression. If you specify this option, string constants and comments that are incomplete at the end of an expression are identified with the codes TokenCode_UnterminatedString or TokenCode_UnterminatedMultiLineComment instead of the TokenCode_Bad code. Also, a dot not followed by a letter or underscore is identified with the code TokenCode_FieldSpecifier instead of the TokenCode_Bad .
    Note Specifying this option automatically specifies the TokenizeOption_PreserveComments option.

See Also
