- Updated2024-10-09
- 2 minute(s) read
Use the values of this enumeration to determine specific TestStand directory paths.
- TestStandPath_Bin –(Value: 2) Directory where TestStand stores executables and DLLs, typically <TestStand> \Bin .
- TestStandPath_CommonAppData –(Value: 5) Directory where TestStand stores common application data, such as configuration information, typically C:\ProgramData\National Instruments\TestStand on Windows 8.1/8/7.
- TestStandPath_Config –(Value: 3) Directory where TestStand stores configuration files, typically <TestStand Application Data> \Cfg .
- TestStandPath_GlobalCommonAppData –(Value: 13) Directory where TestStand stores common application data for the global environment ( <TestStand Application Data> ), such as configuration information, typically C:\ProgramData\National Instruments\TestStand.
- TestStandPath_GlobalConfig –(Value: 11) Directory where TestStand stores configuration files for the global environment, typically <TestStand Application Data> \Cfg .
- TestStandPath_GlobalLocalAppData –(Value: 14) Directory where TestStand stores user-specific application data for the global environment, typically <User Directory>\AppData\Local\National Instruments\TestStand on Windows 10/8.1/7.
- TestStandPath_GlobalPublic –(Value: 12) Directory where TestStand stores publicly editable files for the global environment, typically C:\Users\Public\Documents\National Instruments\TestStand on Windows 10/8.1/7.
- TestStandPath_LocalAppData –(Value: 6) Directory where TestStand stores per-user application data, typically <User Directory>\AppData\Local\National Instruments\TestStand on Windows 8.1/8/7.
- TestStandPath_NIComponents –(Value: 8) Directory where TestStand stores components, such as callbacks, icons, language files, step types, and type palettes, typically <TestStand> \Components .
- TestStandPath_Public –(Value: 4) Directory where TestStand stores publicly editable files, typically C:\Users\Public\Documents\National Instruments\TestStand on Windows 8.1/8/7.
- TestStandPath_PublicComponents –(Value: 7) Directory where TestStand looks for user-defined components to override National Instruments components, such as callbacks, icons, language files, step types, and type palettes, typically, <TestStand Public> \Components .
- TestStandPath_Temp –(Value: 9) This value is obsolete. Returns the directory path with a trailing backslash where TestStand stores temporary files. TestStand does not clean up files that you create in this directory but does erase files you create with the Engine.CreateTempFile method.
- TestStandPath_Temporary –(Value: 10) Directory where TestStand stores temporary files. TestStand does not clean up files that you create in this directory but does erase files you create with the Engine.CreateTempFile method.
- TestStandPath_TestStand –(Value: 1) Directory where TestStand installs the majority of components, typically <Program Files>\National Instruments\TestStand <Version> .