


Data Type


Use the following constants with this data type:

  • SwitchExecLifetime_Execution –(Value: 1) Specifies that the route is connected until the execution completes.
  • SwitchExecLifetime_Manual –(Value: 0) Specifies that the route is connected until manually disconnected.
  • SwitchExecLifetime_Sequence –(Value: 3) Specifies that the route is connected until the sequence completes executing.
  • SwitchExecLifetime_Step –(Value: 4) Specifies that the route is connected until the step completes executing.
  • SwitchExecLifetime_Thread –(Value: 2) Specifies that the route is connected until the thread completes.


Specifies the lifetime that TestStand applies to routes when the value of the Step.SwitchExecOperation property is Connect or ConnectDisconnect . You can specify whether you want the route to exist until manually disconnected later or until the step, sequence, thread, or execution completes.

Note If the value of the Step.SwitchExecMulticonnectMode property is Multiconnect , a route can exist longer if another step specifies a lifetime for the same route. Selecting a lifetime other than Manual guarantees that the route stays connected as long as the step, sequence, thread, or execution in which you connect is executing. If you manually disconnect a previously connected route using a non-manual lifetime setting, TestStand releases the reference to the route for the last step that performed a connect action for the route.

See Also

