


Data Type



When this Boolean expression is empty or evaluates to True , the Preload Progress dialog box includes a Cancel button so users can cancel preloading files. When this property evaluates to False , the dialog box does not contain a Cancel button to prevent users from cancelling preloading files.


If you cancel preloading a file when you open a sequence file, the sequence file opens without preloading the code modules. If you cancel preloading files when you execute a sequence file, the execution does not initiate.

You can use the CurrentUserHasPrivilege expression function to allow users to cancel preloading files based on privileges. For example, set this property to CurrentUserHasPrivilege(Priv_Terminate) || CurrentUserHasPrivilege(Priv_Abort) to allow users to cancel preloading files only when the user has terminate or abort privileges .

This property only affects cancelling preloading files directly from the Preload Progress dialog box. If TestStand cannot find a file during preloading and launches a Find File dialog box, you can cancel the Find File dialog box to cancel preloading files regardless of the value of this property.

See Also
