

PropertyObjectFile.CheckForModifiedTypes( dlgTitle, okButtonText, options, versionIncOption, operationCanceled, foundModifiedTypes)


Determines if the PropTypeFlags_IsModifiedType flag is set for any types used within the file.


If a modified type is found, the options parameter determines the specific action to take. If you pass CheckForModifiedTypes_Prompt to the options parameter, this method launches a warning dialog box in which you can specify the action, if any, that TestStand takes. The sequence editor calls this method before calling the PropertyObjectFile.WriteFile method to save a sequence file.


dlgTitle As String

[In] Specifies the title of the dialog box. Pass an empty string to use the default title for the dialog box.

okButtonText As String

[In] Pass a string to display text on the OK button or pass an empty string to use the default text.

options As Long

[In] Specifies whether the method launches a warning dialog box if a modified type is found, or whether the method performs a specific action if a modified type is found. Pass one of CheckForModifiedTypesOptions constants to this method.

versionIncOption As TypeVersionAutoIncrement

[In] Specifies which version number to increment when you pass CheckForModifiedTypes_AutoIncrementVersions to the options parameter.

operationCanceled As Boolean

[Out] Returns True if a user clicks Cancel .

foundModifiedTypes As Boolean

[Out] Returns True if modified types were found in the file.

See Also




