- Updated2024-10-09
- 1 minute(s) read
Execution.RestartWithNewArguments( restartOptionsParam, sequenceArgsParam)
Restarts a completed execution and passes the arguments you specify to the restarted execution.
Use this method instead of the Execution.RestartEx method when you want to pass new arguments to an execution you restart. You most commonly use this method in combination with the ExecTypeMask_DiscardArgumentsWhenDone option, but you can use this method with any execution. This method discards any arguments an execution already holds and replaces them with the arguments you specify.
restartOptionsParam As Long
[In] Specifies which RestartOptions constant to use. You can specify more than one restart option by combining the constants using the bitwise-OR operator.
sequenceArgsParam As PropertyObject
[In] Specifies a PropertyObject object that contains the arguments to the sequence you want to execute. Each subproperty of the PropertyObject object represents a parameter for the sequence. The subproperties must appear in the same order in which the sequence parameters appear. You can pass a NULL reference if you do not want to pass any arguments. Passing NULL discards any arguments an execution already holds. If you want to reuse the arguments an execution already holds, use the Execution.RestartEx method instead of this method.