

Engine.LoadTypePaletteFilesEx( handlerType = ConflictHandler_Prompt, options = 0)


Loads the list of type palette files found in the TestStand Engine.


Type palette files contain step type and data type definitions. LoadTypePaletteFilesEx is the method the sequence editor and user interfaces call on the TestStand Engine to load these files when they start up. You can call this method outside of the sequence editor or a user interface if an instance of the TestStand Engine has been created and the type palette files need to be loaded.

Note National Instruments recommends that you call this method when you create the TestStand Engine to ensure that the application loads the correct versions of step types and data types. If you do not load the type palettes and load a sequence file with other versions of NI types, the sequence file might not execute correctly.


handlerType As TypeConflictHandlerTypes

[In] Specifies how to handle type conflicts.

This parameter has a default value of ConflictHandler_Prompt .

options As Long

[In] This parameter is reserved.

This parameter has a default value of 0 .

See Also

Creating the TestStand Engine



