
Objects of the EditTimeMenuItem class represent menu items in the sequence editor or user interface. A menu item is a command, a call to a sequence, a submenu, or a submenu of calls to sequences in a sequence file. EditTimeMenuItem objects specify the menu item type, which includes paths and arguments for commands, paths for sequence files, and names of sequences. Each object specifies an expression for evaluating item text at run time, and expressions that determine whether the item is enabled or visible at run time.

Use the Engine.GetEditTimeToolMenuItems method to obtain a reference to a collection of EditTimeMenuItem objects for the TestStand Tools menu. Use this collection to customize the contents of the Tools menu.

Use the Engine.GetRunTimeToolMenuItems method to obtain a reference to a collection of RunTimeMenuItem objects, which represent an evaluated version of the Tools menu. Use this collection to determine what is displayed in the Tools menu at run time.


See Also

