


Data Type


Use the following constants with this data type:

  • CodeTemplateType_CppOrC –(Value: 4) Specifies a code template for the C/C++ DLL Adapter and specifies that the C/C++ Module creates code in a text file.
  • CodeTemplateType_CVI –(Value: 3) Specifies a code template for the LabWindows/CVI Adapter.
  • CodeTemplateType_HTBasic –(Value: 8) Specifies a code template for the HTBasic Adapter.
  • CodeTemplateType_LabVIEW –(Value: 2) Specifies a code template for the LabVIEW Adapter.
  • CodeTemplateType_LabVIEWNXG –(Value: 9) Specifies a code template for the LabVIEW NXG Adapter.
  • CodeTemplateType_Legacy –(Value: 1) Specifies the legacy template for the LabVIEW or LabWindows/CVI Adapter. The legacy code template has a fixed prototype that takes a TestData and a TestError parameter.
  • CodeTemplateType_VisualBasicDotNet –(Value: 7) Specifies a code template for the .NET Adapter and specifies that the .NET Module creates Visual Basic .NET code.
  • CodeTemplateType_VisualCppDotNet –(Value: 5) Specifies a code template for the C/C++ DLL Adapter and specifies that the C/C++ Module creates code in Microsoft Visual Studio.
  • CodeTemplateType_VisualCSharpDotNet –(Value: 6) Specifies a code template for the .NET Adapter and specifies that the .NET Module creates C# code.


Returns the type of this code template. The code template type determines which adapter the code module is associated with.