- Updated2024-10-09
- 1 minute(s) read
Use these constants with the options parameter of the Engine.AcquireLicense method.
- AcquireLicenseOption_NoOptions –(Value: 0x0) Does not specify any options.
- AcquireLicenseOption_ShowExitButton –(Value: 0x4) Pass this option if you want the startup dialog box to display an Exit button instead of a Close button. The application exits if the call to the Engine.AcquireLicense method fails, and error messages reflect this behavior.
- AcquireLicenseOption_SuppressStartupDialog –(Value: 0x1) Instructs TestStand not to launch a dialog box for evaluating, activating, or purchasing TestStand when the license is not properly activated.
- AcquireLicenseOption_SuppressStartupDialogIfAlreadyShown –(Value: 0x2) Instructs TestStand not to launch a dialog box for evaluating, activating, or purchasing TestStand when a currently running process has already launched the dialog box and the user activated a license or selected to evaluate TestStand. If the license cannot be acquired and the user did not previously select to evaluate TestStand in an already running process, TestStand launches the dialog box.