Clock Routing

The following figure shows the clock routing circuitry of the TestScale backplane.

Figure 52. Clock Routing Circuitry


80 MHz Timebase

You can use the 80 MHz Timebase as the timebase to the 32-bit general-purpose counter/timers.

20 MHz Timebase

The 20 MHz Timebase normally generates many of the AI and AO timing signals. It can function as the timebase to the 32-bit general-purpose counter/timers.

The 20 MHz Timebase is generated by dividing down the 80 MHz Timebase, as shown in previous figure.

100 kHz Timebase

You can use the 100 kHz Timebase to generate many of the AI and AO timing signals. It can also function as the timebase to the 32-bit general-purpose counter/timers.

The 100 kHz Timebase is generated by dividing down the 20 MHz Timebase by 200, as shown in the previous figure.