SWB-2813 Overview

SWB-2813 Pinout

Type A


Table 1. Signal Descriptions
Signal Description
ABxW0 Wire 0 analog bus row connection
ABxW1 Wire 1 analog bus row connection
CxW0 Wire 0 column connection
CxW1 Wire 1 column connection
GND Safety interlock ground connection
INTRLK Safety interlock resistor connection
No connection

Type B


Table 2. Signal Descriptions
Signal Description
CxW0 Wire 0 column connection
CxW1 Wire 1 column connection
GND Safety interlock ground connection
INTRLK Safety interlock resistor connection
No connection

SWB-2813 Topology

Multiple modules of the same type can be combined. The following table lists possible topologies.

Note You must connect pin 96 (INTERLOCK ENABLE) to pin 48 (GND) with a 500 Ω resistor (500 Ω ±20%, 1/10 W minimum) to allow connection to the analog bus. Refer to the NI SwitchBlock Safety Interlock topic for additional information about this safety feature.
Number of Modules Topology
1 2-Wire 4×21 Matrix
2 2-Wire 4×42 Matrix
3 2-Wire 4×63 Matrix
4 2-Wire 4×84 Matrix
5 2-Wire 4×105 Matrix
6 2-Wire 4×126 Matrix

2-Wire 4×21 Matrix

Module software name: Configured Topology (NISWITCH_TOPOLOGY_CONFIGURED_TOPOLOGY)

Hardware Diagram


Making a Connection

The immediate operation, the niSwitch Connect Channels VI or the niSwitch_Connect function with parameters card1r2 and c1 result in the following connection:

  • signal connected to CARD1R2W0 is routed to C1W0
  • signal connected to CARD1R2W1 is routed to C1W1

Relay Names

Refer to the following list for relay names of one module.

Note The relay names below do not designate the two wires as + and –. Instead they use W0 and W1 to designate wire 0 and wire 1.
  • kCARD1AB0W0...kCARD1AB3W0
  • kCARD1AB0W1...kCARD1AB3W1
  • kCARD1R0C0W0...kCARD1R0C20W0
  • kCARD1R0C0W1...kCARD1R0C20W1
  • kCARD1R1C0W0...kCARD1R1C20W0
  • kCARD1R1C0W1...kCARD1R1C20W1
  • kCARD1R2C0W0...kCARD1R2C20W0
  • kCARD1R2C0W1...kCARD1R2C20W1
  • kCARD1R3C0W0...kCARD1R3C20W0
  • kCARD1R3C0W1...kCARD1R3C20W1

SWB-2813 Relay Replacement

The module uses reed relays.

Note The module uses a custom lead length to meet safety standards. Trim leads per rework instructions or use one of the custom relays from the relay kit.
Relay Relay Manufacturer Part Number
Matrix Meder MS05-BV50980
Safety (Reference Designators K181- K188) Tyco Electronics 5-1462039-8
Relay Kit Part Number
National Instruments (10 matrix relays) 781450-10
National Instruments (10 safety relays) 781089-10

Complete the following sets of steps to locate and replace a failed relay.

Locate the Relay

  1. Ground yourself using a grounding strap or a ground connected to your PXI chassis.
    Note Properly grounding yourself prevents damage to your module from electrostatic discharge.
  2. Locate the relay you want to replace. Refer to the following figure and table for relay locations.

The relay names in the following table correspond to a single-card device.

Relay Name Reference Designator Relay Name Reference Designator Relay Name Reference Designator Relay Name Reference Designator
kcard1ab0w0 K8 kcard1r0c18w0 K38 kcard1r1c19w0 K89 kcard1r2c20w0 K138
kcard1ab0w1 K16 kcard1r0c18w1 K46 kcard1r1c19w1 K97 kcard1r2c20w1 K145
kcard1ab1w0 K25 kcard1r0c19w0 K39 kcard1r1c20w0 K90 kcard1r3c0w0 K146
kcard1ab1w1 K33 kcard1r0c19w1 K47 kcard1r1c20w1 K98 kcard1r3c0w1 K153
kcard1ab2w0 K41 kcard1r0c20w0 K40 kcard1r2c0w0 K100 kcard1r3c1w0 K147
kcard1ab2w1 K49 kcard1r0c20w1 K48 kcard1r2c0w1 K108 kcard1r3c1w1 K154
kcard1ab3w0 K57 kcard1r1c0w0 K50 kcard1r2c1w0 K101 kcard1r3c2w0 K148
kcard1ab3w1 K66 kcard1r1c0w1 K59 kcard1r2c1w1 K109 kcard1r3c2w1 K155
kcard1r0c0w0 K1 kcard1r1c1w0 K51 kcard1r2c2w0 K102 kcard1r3c3w0 K149
kcard1r0c0w1 K9 kcard1r1c1w1 K60 kcard1r2c2w1 K110 kcard1r3c3w1 K156
kcard1r0c1w0 K2 kcard1r1c2w0 K51 kcard1r2c3w0 K103 kcard1r3c4w0 K150
kcard1r0c1w1 K10 kcard1r1c2w1 K60 kcard1r2c3w1 K111 kcard1r3c4w1 K157
kcard1r0c2w0 K3 kcard1r1c3w0 K53 kcard1r2c4w0 K104 kcard1r3c5w0 K151
kcard1r0c2w1 K11 kcard1r1c3w1 K62 kcard1r2c4w1 K112 kcard1r3c5w1 K158
kcard1r0c3w0 K4 kcard1r1c4w0 K54 kcard1r2c5w0 K105 kcard1r3c6w0 K152
kcard1r0c3w1 K12 kcard1r1c4w1 K63 kcard1r2c5w1 K113 kcard1r3c6w1 K159
kcard1r0c4w0 K5 kcard1r1c5w0 K55 kcard1r2c6w0 K106 kcard1r3c7w0 K160
kcard1r0c4w1 K13 kcard1r1c5w1 K64 kcard1r2c6w1 K114 kcard1r3c7w1 K167
kcard1r0c5w0 K6 kcard1r1c6w0 K56 kcard1r2c7w0 K117 kcard1r3c8w0 K161
kcard1r0c5w1 K14 kcard1r1c6w1 K65 kcard1r2c7w1 K125 kcard1r3c8w1 K168
kcard1r0c6w0 K7 kcard1r1c7w0 K67 kcard1r2c8w0 K118 kcard1r3c9w0 K162
kcard1r0c6w1 K15 kcard1r1c7w1 K75 kcard1r2c8w1 K126 kcard1r3c9w1 K169
kcard1r0c7w0 K18 kcard1r1c8w0 K68 kcard1r2c9w0 K119 kcard1r3c10w0 K163
kcard1r0c7w1 K26 kcard1r1c8w1 K76 kcard1r2c9w1 K127 kcard1r3c10w1 K170
kcard1r0c8w0 K19 kcard1r1c9w0 K69 kcard1r2c10w0 K120 kcard1r3c11w0 K164
kcard1r0c8w1 K27 kcard1r1c9w1 K77 kcard1r2c10w1 K128 kcard1r3c11w1 K171
kcard1r0c9w0 K20 kcard1r1c10w0 K70 kcard1r2c11w0 K121 kcard1r3c12w0 K165
kcard1r0c9w1 K28 kcard1r1c10w1 K78 kcard1r2c11w1 K129 kcard1r3c12w1 K172
kcard1r0c10w0 K21 kcard1r1c11w0 K71 kcard1r2c12w0 K122 kcard1r3c13w0 K166
kcard1r0c10w1 K29 kcard1r1c11w1 K79 kcard1r2c12w1 K130 kcard1r3c13w1 K173
kcard1r0c11w0 K22 kcard1r1c12w0 K72 kcard1r2c13w0 K123 kcard1r3c14w0 K174
kcard1r0c11w1 K30 kcard1r1c12w1 K80 kcard1r2c13w1 K131 kcard1r3c14w1 K175
kcard1r0c12w0 K23 kcard1r1c13w0 K73 kcard1r2c14w0 K132 kcard1r3c15w0 K176
kcard1r0c12w1 K31 kcard1r1c13w1 K81 kcard1r2c14w1 K139 kcard1r3c15w1 K177
kcard1r0c13w0 K24 kcard1r1c14w0 K84 kcard1r2c15w0 K133 kcard1r3c16w0 K178
kcard1r0c13w1 K32 kcard1r1c14w1 K92 kcard1r2c15w1 K140 kcard1r3c16w1 K179
kcard1r0c14w0 K34 kcard1r1c15w0 K85 kcard1r2c16w0 K134 kcard1r3c17w0 K180
kcard1r0c14w1 K42 kcard1r1c15w1 K93 kcard1r2c16w1 K141 kcard1r3c17w1 K124
kcard1r0c15w0 K35 kcard1r1c16w0 K86 kcard1r2c17w0 K135 kcard1r3c18w0 K107
kcard1r0c15w1 K43 kcard1r1c16w1 K94 kcard1r2c17w1 K142 kcard1r3c18w1 K115
kcard1r0c16w0 K36 kcard1r1c17w0 K87 kcard1r2c18w0 K136 kcard1r3c19w0 K91
kcard1r0c16w1 K44 kcard1r1c17w1 K95 kcard1r2c18w1 K143 kcard1r3c19w1 K99
kcard1r0c17w0 K37 kcard1r1c18w0 K88 kcard1r2c19w0 K137 kcard1r3c20w0 K74
kcard1r0c17w1 K45 kcard1r1c18w1 K96 kcard1r2c19w1 K144 kcard1r3c20w1 K82

Replace the Relay

The module uses lead-free assemblies.

Note NI recommends using lead-free solder for relay replacement on lead-free assemblies, and lead solder for relay replacement on lead assemblies.
Note Do not rework lead assemblies using a lead-free work station. Lead solder from the unit could contaminate the station.
Note If a lead-free assembly is reworked with lead solder, label the assembly to indicate this condition. This rework can prevent the same unit from being reworked later on a lead-free solder station, because it could contaminate the station.

Make sure that you have the following items:

  • Temperature-regulated soldering iron set to 371 °C (700 °F) for lead-free solder rework
  • 96.5/3.0/0.5 Tin/Silver/Copper solder (flux core) for lead-free solder rework
  • Solder wick
  • Fine pick
  • Isopropyl alcohol
  • Cotton swabs

Replace the relay as you would any other through-hole part. Trim the replaced relay leads to no more than 0.5 mm (0.02 inch) from the PCB.

Note You can use the Switch Soft Front Panel to reset the relay count after you have replaced a failed relay.