Part Numbers for Recommended Cables and Accessories

Use part numbers to purchase the cables and the accessories for optimizing the performance of SCB-42.

Table 1. Part Numbers for Recommended Accessories
Accessory Description Part Number
0.9 N · m (8 lb · in.) calibrated torque wrench, 5/16 in. 751120-01
100 N · cm calibrated torque screwdriver Use with the SMA driver bit included in the SCB-42 kit. 780487-01
Cable retention bracket assembly for the Nano-Pitch cable Included with the Nano-Pitch cables purchased from NI. To ensure an uninterrupted connection, NI recommends, but does not require, use of the retention bracket assembly. 143426A-01
DIN rail mounting kit Use to mount the SCB-42 on a standard 35 mm DIN rail. 786797-01


Notice Only use rated cables to connect to the SCB-42.
Note NI recommends against using a commercial HDMI specification interface cable.
Table 2. Part Numbers for Recommended Cables
Cable Part Number
Cable assembly, Nano-Pitch to Nano-Pitch 785486-01
Cable assembly, Nano-Pitch to Mini-SAS 786215-01
Cable assembly, mini-HDMI to mini-HDMI, 180-degrees offset, 0.25 m 789123-01