InstrumentStudio S-Parameter Measurement Panel

The InstrumentStudio S-Parameter measurement panel provides an interactive UI that allows you to configure hardware and measurement settings, perform system-level calibration, and initiate and view your S-parameter measurements.

Accessing the S-Parameter Measurement Panel

  1. On the InstrumentStudio Home screen, select Manual Layout.
  2. In the Edit Layout window, locate S-Parameters from the Add-Ons list and select Create large panel in the drop-down list.
  3. Click OK.

Refer to Performing Measurements With the InstrumentStudio S-Parameter Measurement Plug-In for more details about configuring the measurement panel.

S-Parameter Measurement Panel UI

Figure 1. S-Parameter Measurement Panel UI

  1. Configuration pane—Configure hardware, stimulus, and measurement settings. View the status of the application and hardware connection in the Status Indicator area.
  2. Display panes—View the S-parameter measurements and select the traces to view in each quadrant.
  3. Control pane—Use the buttons to commit the settings to hardware and start S-parameter measurements, calibrate your system, and log results. You can also save the configuration or load an existing configuration. View the status of the DUT connection.

Configuration Pane Status Indicators

The state of the S-parameter measurements panel displays in the Status Indicator area of the Configuration pane.

  • Initializing—The application is starting up, including initializing the user interface, internal registers, and events.
  • Ready to Connect—The application is initialized properly and waiting for you to configure or connect the hardware.
  • Ready–Connected—The hardware is connected and configured without error. The application waits for you to initiate a calibration or measurement.
  • Measuring—The DUT is connected. The application continuously sweeps forward and reverse, and the measurement panel UI displays the S-parameter measurements. The Status Indicator also displays a time stamp indicating when the calibration file is created.
  • Error—An error occurred during configuration or execution. The status indicator displays an error message, and the application automatically reverts to the last safe state. You can correct the error and redo any actions necessary. Errors are automatically logged in a text file in the following location: <LabVIEW Data>\S-Parameters Measurements\System Level Errors\System Errors.txt
  • Exit—The application exits if you click Stop, close the panel, navigate to File » Exit, or if an error occurs during application start-up.