Starting with the RTG Software and Connecting to a Server

Connect to a server to create an RTG session. Complete the following steps to get started with the RTG software.

  1. Configure the VST instrument(s) in NI MAX as described in the VST documentation.
  2. Run RTG Server.exe from the <Program Files>\National Instruments\RTG\app folder on the host computer. The RTG gRPC Server window opens.
    Figure 1. RTG gRPC Server Window

    Server Status
    Listening Port Status

Server Default Settings

The RTG server default settings are as follows:

  • The gRPC server port is 50052.
  • The server finds the IP address of the host computer automatically. Use the IP address or computer name to access the gRPC server through a gRPC client.

Refer to Configuring RTG with the INI File or Through an Option String to change the server default settings in the INI file.