Base Class Functionality

You must initialize the MGT links between the devices in a controlled manner for the RTG VST to be able to exchange data with the coprocessor. The RTG API handles this initialization. The base class is created to allow the RTG API to work with a coprocessor. An instance of this class is provided to the RTG API during initial configuration.

Use the following VIs from the RTG Coprocessor Link Interface class library to get started:

  • Create Coprocessor VI—Use this method—based on host architecture decisions discussed in Host Architecture Options—to create a coprocessor link class. This VI supports reading information from the RTG INI file or option string. Calling this VI calls Initialize VI after building the proper configuration.
  • Initialize Coprocessor Session VI—Use this method to build and configure a coprocessor link class. This VI does not support adding values to the INI file, but does support more customization capabilities. Calling this VI downloads the bitfile to the coprocessor and runs it. Call this VI while the RTG is in the inactive state.
  • Set Coprocessor VI—(RTG API) After the coprocessor link class is created and configured, call this VI and pass the newly created coprocessor class to the RTG API. Repeat this call for each RTG/coprocessor pair used in this session. Call this VI prior to calling the RTG Initialize VI.
  • Coprocessor Link Status VI—Use this VI to monitor how the Aurora links are performing, including counts of samples transferred and indication of overflows. You can also use this VI to reset counts and overflow indications.
  • Destroy Coprocessor Session VI—Use this VI to close the FPGA reference. Call this VI while the RTG is in the inactive state, and before calling close on the RTG API.