Architecture Overview

The Radar Target Generation Software system connects to the device under test (DUT).

Figure 1. Architecture Overview

  • Hardware—PXI Express controller and chassis containing one or more PXIe-5830, PXIe-5831, PXIe-5832, PXIe-5841, or PXIe-5842 Vector Signal Transceiver (VST) instrument(s). The VST instruments must be the same model and configuration if using multiple VSTs in the system.
  • Fixturing—Test fixture
  • External Delay/Attenuation—Represents any signal conditioning or fixturing between the DUT and the system. This can include third-party equipment, over-the-air connections between radar and the test fixture, or additional components that provide signal conditioning. Radar Target Generation Software provides user inputs to account for delay and loss between the DUT and the system.
  • Device Under Test (DUT)—Radar