In addition to the soft front panel, the RTG provides an API that provides access to all RTG functionality through two options.

  • LabVIEW—Use LabVIEW to create applications for local and remote RTG systems.
    • Local LabVIEW—Provides direct hardware access to all RTG functionality. Since it makes calls directly to the VST and RTG drivers, it only works when running on the PXI controller of the system that contains the RTG hardware. This API can be incorporated into other LabVIEW or TestStand test applications.
      Note Local LabVIEW is the only way to support a coprocessor harness. A coprocessor harness cannot be used with either the soft front panel or remote LabVIEW.
    • Remote LabVIEW—Provides remote access to the RTG using a LabVIEW class. The RTG LabVIEW API provides an interface class so that applications that use it can switch between local and remote without code changes.
      Note The RTG software installation provides an example of using the API to control all of the RTG functions. Use this as a starting point for custom RTG applications.
  • gRPC—Use the provided gRPC protocol buffer file to generate classes in any gRPC-supported programming language (Python, C#, and so on).