LED Functionality

The module includes two LED indicators per port to help you monitor hardware and bus status.

Table 4. PXIe-8522/8523 LED Indicators
LED Label LED State LED Color Condition

No link established

Default power-up state

Solid Green Link established, 100 Mb/s 1 This pattern only applies to the PXIe-8523.[1]
Blinking Green Activity, 100 Mb/s [1]
Solid Amber Link established, 1000 Mb/s
Blinking Amber Activity, 1000 Mb/s
STATUS Off Default power-up state
Solid Green Direct Mode, master (PHY state)
Amber Direct Mode, slave (PHY state)
Fade in and out[2]2 When in Tap Mode, ports that are paired fade in phase with each other, but out of phase with other ports. Green Tap Mode, master (PHY state)
Amber Tap Mode, slave (PHY state)
Blinking Green Port ID
Amber Not synchronized
Red Catastrophic error[3]3 In the case of a catastrophic error, recover by invoking Reset on the module in MAX. Contact NI for further support if the error continues to occur.

1 This pattern only applies to the PXIe-8523.

2 When in Tap Mode, ports that are paired fade in phase with each other, but out of phase with other ports.

3 In the case of a catastrophic error, recover by invoking Reset on the module in MAX. Contact NI for further support if the error continues to occur.