PXIe-7890 Specifications


Warranted specifications describe the performance of a model under stated operating conditions and are covered by the model warranty.

Characteristics describe values that are relevant to the use of the model under stated operating conditions but are not covered by the model warranty.

  • Typical specifications describe the performance met by a majority of models.
  • Nominal specifications describe an attribute that is based on design, conformance testing, or supplemental testing.
  • Measured specifications describe the measured performance of a representative model.

Specifications are Typical unless otherwise noted.


Specifications are valid under the following conditions unless otherwise noted.

  • Ambient temperature of 0 °C to 55 °C .
  • Installed in chassis with slot cooling capacity ≥58 W.

Front Panel

The following image shows the front panel of the PXIe-7890 module. This document groups specifications per connector on the front panel.
Figure 1. PXIe-7890 Front Panel

Connector Pinouts

PORT 0 and PORT 1

The following image shows the pinout for the PORT 0 and PORT 1 QSFP connectors.

Figure 2. QSFP Connector Pinout

Table 1. Pin Descriptions for PORT 0 and PORT 1 Connectors
Pin Description
Txn <1..4> Transmitter Inverted Data Input
Txp <1..4> Transmitter Non-Inverted Data Input
Rxn <1..4> Receiver Inverted Data Output
Rxp <1..4> Receiver Non-Inverted Data Output
SCL 2-Wire Serial Interface Clock
SDA 2-Wire Serial Interface Data
ModPrsL Module Present
ModSelL Module Select
ResetL Module Reset
IntL Interrupt
LPMode Low Power Mode
Vcc Rx +3.3 V Power Supply Receiver
Vcc Tx +3.3 V Power Supply Transmitter
Vcc1 +3.3 V Power Supply
GND Ground
Notice The maximum input signal levels are valid only when the module is powered on. To avoid permanent damage to the PXIe-7890/7891, do not apply a signal to the device when the module is powered down.
Notice Connections that exceed any of the maximum ratings of any connector on the PXIe-7890/7891 can damage the device and the system. NI is not liable for any damage resulting from such connections.


The following image shows the pinouts for CONNECTOR 0 and CONNECTOR 4.

Figure 3. Digital I/O (DIO) Connectors

Table 2. Pin Descriptions for CONNECTOR 0 and CONNECTOR 4
Pin Description Signal Name in LabVIEW

DIO <0..31>

Bidirectional digital input/output signal connection

Digital Input:

  • Conn0 DI / Ch <0..31>
  • Conn4 DI / Ch <0..31>

Digital Output:

  • Conn0 DO / Ch <0..31>
  • Conn4 DO / Ch <0..31>


External clock input source that can be used for source synchronous acquisitions; the provided clock source must be stable and glitch free

Conn 0 External Clock

Conn 4 External Clock


Ground reference for digital signals


No connection


The following image shows the pinout for CONNECTOR 1 and CONNECTOR 3.

Figure 4. Analog Output (AO) Connectors

Table 3. Pin Descriptions for CONNECTOR 1 and CONNECTOR 3
Pin Description Signal Name in LabVIEW

AO <0..15> (PXIe-7890)

AO <0..31> (PXIe-7891)

Analog output signal connection


  • Calibrated: Conn1 AO / Ch <0..15>
  • Calibrated: Conn3 AO / Ch <0..15>
  • Uncalibrated: Conn1 AO Raw / Ch <0..15>
  • Uncalibrated: Conn3 AO Raw / Ch <0..15>


  • Calibrated: Conn1 AO / Ch <0..31>
  • Calibrated: Conn3 AO / Ch <0..31>
  • Uncalibrated: Conn1 AO Raw / Ch <0..31>
  • Uncalibrated: Conn3 AO Raw / Ch <0..31>
GND Ground reference for the analog output signal
NC No Connection


The following image shows the pinout for CONNECTOR 2, the analog input VHDCI front panel connector.

Figure 5. Analog Input (AI) VHDCI Connector

Table 4. Pin Descriptions for CONNECTOR 2
Pin Description Signal Name in LabVIEW

AI <0+...7+> (PXIe-7890)

AI <0+...15+> (PXIe-7891)

Positive analog input signal connection


  • Calibrated: Conn2 AI / Ch <0..7>
  • Uncalibrated:Conn2 AI / Ch <0..7>


  • Calibrated: Conn2 AI / Ch <0..15>
  • Uncalibrated:Conn2 AI / Ch <0..15>

AI <0-...7-> (PXIe-7890)

AI <0-...15-> (PXIe-7891)

Negative analog input signal connection
GND Ground reference for the analog input signal
NC No connection

Port 0 and Port 1


QSFP, SFF-8436 compliant

Data rate

500 Mbps to 5 Gb/s

Number of lanes


Supported high-speed cable type

Electrical/ optical

Optical cable power

3.3 V ±5%, 1 A per port

Multi-Gigabit Transceiver (MGT)

MGT TX± Channels

Note For detailed FPGA and High-Speed Serial Link specifications, refer to Xilinx documentation.

Minimum differential output voltage[1]1 800 mV pk-pk when transmitter output swing is set to the maximum setting.

170 mV pk-pk into 100 Ω, nominal

I/O coupling

AC-coupled, includes 100 nF capacitor

MGT RX± Channels

Differential input voltage range at ≤ 6.6 Gb/s

150 mV pk-pk to 2000 mVpk-pk , nominal

MGT Reference Clock Generator

Supported generated frequencies

60.000 MHz to 385.714 MHz

400.000 MHZ to 450.000 MHz

480.000 MHz to 675.000 MHz

685.714 MHz to 771.428 MHz

800 MHz

Clocking resources


Available MGT Reference Clocks


Connector 0 and Connector 4

The following section describes the digital input and output characteristics accessible through CONNECTOR 0 and CONNECTOR 4.

CONNECTOR 0 and CONNECTOR 4 are identical and share the same pinout, but are oriented in opposite directions on the module. For more information, including pinout descriptions, refer to the PXIe-7890/7891 Getting Started content in the NI Product Documentation Center.

Connectors 0 and 4

68-pin VHDCI receptacle

Note The number of channels listed in each of the following sections represents the total number of channels for both CONNECTOR 0 and CONNECTOR 4. To determine the number of channels for a single connector, divide the listed number of channels in half.

Digital I/O

Number of channels


Signal type


Voltage level

Digital input

3.3 V / 5 V (selectable by bank of 16 channels)

Digital output

3.3 V / 5 V (selectable by bank of 16 channels)

Direction control

Per channel


25 ns


Digital input

Number of external clock input



±15 V per line, up to two lines simultaneously

Note Digital input and output voltage levels are guaranteed by design through the digital buffer specifications.
Table 5. Digital Input Logic Levels
Voltage Family Input Low Voltage (VIL) Maximum Input High Voltage (VIH) Minimum
3.3 V 0.80 V 2.00 V
5.0 V 1.50 V 3.50 V

Minimum input voltage

0 V

Maximum input voltage

5 V

Input impedance

100 kΩ, pull-down

Table 6. Digital Output Logic Levels
Voltage Family Current Output Low Voltage (VOL) Maximum Output High Voltage (VOH) Minimum
3.3 V 100 µA 0.10 V 3.20 V
4 mA 0.45 V 2.85 V
5 V 100 µA 0.10 V 4.90 V
4 mA 0.45 V 4.55 V

Maximum DC output current per channel

4.0 mA (sink or source)

Output impedance

50 Ω ± 20%

Maximum output toggle rate

10 MHz

Connector 1

The following section describes the analog output characteristics accessible through CONNECTOR 1. For more information, including pinout descriptions, refer to PXIe-7890/7891 Getting Started content in the NI Product Documentation Center.

Connector type

68-pin VHDCI receptacle

Analog Output

Output type

Single-ended, voltage output

Number of channels



16 bits

Update latency


440 nsec


460 nsec

Analog latency

75 nsec

Maximum update rate

2 MS/s


±0.5 LSB typical, ±2 LSB maximum


±0.5 LSB typical, ±1 LSB maximum

Output range


±10 V


±10.13 V


±10.10 V

Output coupling


Output impedance

0.3 Ω

Gain drift

5.5 ppm/˚C

Offset drift

30 μV/˚C

Slew rate

20 V/µs

Noise (DC to 612 kHz)

70 μVrms

Current drive

±15 mA


Short circuit to ground

Crosstalk @100 kHz

-85 dB

Overvoltage protection

Powered on

±15 V

Powered off

±10 V

Power-on output state

0 V

Power-on glitch

640 mV, decays to 0 V in 860 µs

Power-off glitch

1.4 V, decays to 0 V in 200 µs

Glitch during module reset

1.4 V, decays to 0 V in 200 µs

Note Total hardware latency is Update latency + Analog latency.
Table 7. Settling Time
Step Size Accuracy
±10 V ±16 LSB ±2 LSB
3.0 µs 7.4 µs
Table 8. Analog Output Calibrated Accuracy
Nominal Range Condition Gain Error (Percent of Reading) Offset Error
±10 V Typical (25°C to ±5°C) ±0.016% ±0.11 mV
Maximum (0°C to 55°C) ±0.070% 1.79 mV
Table 9. Analog Output Uncalibrated Accuracy
Nominal Range Condition Gain Error (Percent of Reading) Offset Error
±10 V Typical (25°C to ±5°C) ±0.096% ±2.73 mV
Maximum (0°C to 55°C) ±0.219% ±8.86 mV
Note Uncalibrated accuracy in Table 9. Analog Output Uncalibrated Accuracy refers to the accuracy achieved when outputting in raw or unscaled modes where the calibration constants stored in the module are not applied to the data. The gain error is relative to the typical output range of ±10.13 V.

AO Absolute Accuracy Equation

AO_AbsoluteAccuracy=(OutputValue)·GainError  + OffsetError +INLError·OutputRange·2/216bits

The following example calculates the absolute full scale calibrated accuracy at 25 ±5˚C on the 10 V range.

AO_AbsoluteAccuracy=(10V)·0.016%+0.11mV  +0.5LSB·(10.13V)·22ˆ16bits=1.865mV

Connector 2

The following section describes the analog input characteristics accessible through CONNECTOR 2. For more information, including pinout descriptions, refer to PXIe-7890/7891 Getting Started content in the NI Product Documentation Center.

Connector type

68-pin VHDCI receptacle

Analog Input

Number of channels


Input mode


Type of ADC

Successive approximation register (SAR)


16 bits

Input ranges

±20 V, ±10 V, ±5 V, ±2 V, ±1 V

Conversion latency


480 nsec


480 nsec

Analog latency

Range ±20 V

415 nsec

Ranges ±10 V±5 V±2 V

170 nsec

Range ±1 V

200 nsec

Maximum rate (per channel)

2 MS/s

Input impedance
Powered on

Range ±20 V

1 MΩ

Range ±10 V, ±5 V, ±2 V, ±1 V

> 1 GΩ

Powered off/overload

3.8 kΩ

Input coupling sampling


Input bias current

±5 nA

Input offset current

±5 nA


±6 LSB typical, ±12.7 LSB maximum


±0.4 LSB typical, ±1 LSB maximum

CMRR, DC to 60 Hz

Range ±20 V

-48 dB

Ranges ±10 V, ±5 V, ±2 V, ±1 V

-80 dB

Small signal

Range ±20 V

900 kHz

Ranges ±10 V, ±5 V, ±2 V

1600 kHz

Range ±1 V

1400 kHz

Large signal

Ranges ±20 V, ±10 V

740 kHz

Ranges ±5 V, ±2 V, ±1 V

970 kHz

Crosstalk (100 kHz) into 50 Ω

-70 dB

Overvoltage protection

Powered on

±42 V [2]2 Only valid for fault on +/- input for 8 AI channels maximum. Degrades to +/-30 V for all 16 channels fault.

Powered off

±30 V

Note Total hardware latency is Conversion latency + Analog latency.
Table 10. Analog Input Characteristics by Range
Specification Nominal Range
±20 V ±10 V ±5 V ±2 V ±1 V
Input noise (μVrms) 1600 670 340 140 80
Gain drift (ppm/˚C) 22.6 16.7
Offset drift (μV/˚C) 64.0 29.2 14.9 6.5 3.8
Typical input range, AI+ to AI- (V) ±20.62 ±10.22 ±5.11 ±2.04 ±1.02
Minimum input range, AI+ to AI- (V) ±20.38 ±10.16 ±5.08 ±2.03 ±1.01
Maximum Working Voltage (V) (Signal + Common Mode to Ground) ±22 ±13 ±10.5 ±9.0 ±8.5
Table 11. Analog Input Calibrated Accuracy
Nominal Range Condition Gain Error (Percent of Reading) Offset Error
±20 V Typical (25°C ± 5°C) ±0.038% ±1.44 mV
Maximum (0°C to 55°C) ±0.278% ±5.94 mV
±10 V Typical (25°C ± 5°C) ±0.032% ±0.71 mV
Maximum (0°C to 55°C) ±0.215% ±2.04 mV
±5 V Typical (25°C ± 5°C) ±0.032% ±0.36 mV
Maximum (0°C to 55°C) ±0.215% ±1.05 mV
±2 V Typical (25°C ± 5°C) ±0.032% ±0.15 mV
Maximum (0°C to 55°C) ±0.215% ±0.47 mV
±1 V Typical (25°C ± 5°C) ±0.032% ±0.08 mV
Maximum (0°C to 55°C) ±0.215% ±0.27 mV
Table 12. Analog Input Uncalibrated Accuracy
Nominal Range Condition Gain Error (Percent of Reading) Offset Error
±20 V Typical (25°C ± 5°C) ±0.143% ±3.10 mV
Maximum (0°C to 55°C) ±0.808% ±22.80 mV
±10 V Typical (25°C ± 5°C) ±0.139% ±0.98 mV
Maximum (0°C to 55°C) ±0.536% ±6.89 mV
±5 V Typical (25°C ± 5°C) ±0.142% ±0.54 mV
Maximum (0°C to 55°C) ±0.546% ±3.67 mV
±2 V Typical (25°C ± 5°C) ±0.142% ±0.28 mV
Maximum (0°C to 55°C) ±0.546% ±1.74 mV
±1 V Typical (25°C ± 5°C) ±0.142% ±0.19 mV
Maximum (0°C to 55°C) ±0.546% ±1.09 mV
Note Uncalibrated accuracy in Table 12. Analog Input Uncalibrated Accuracy refers to the accuracy achieved when acquiring in raw or unscaled modes where the calibration constants stored in the module are not applied to the data. The gain error is relative to the typical input range from Table 10. Analog Input Characteristics by Range. For example, on the ±10 V nominal range, the gain error is relative to a full-scale value of ±10.22 V.

AI Absolute Accuracy Equation

AI_AbsoluteAccuracy=(Reading)·GainError  + OffsetError +INLError·InputRange·2/216bits+Noise·CoverageFacrtor/Number_of_reading

The following example calculates the absolute full scale calibrated accuracy at 25 ±5˚C on the 20 V range with 10,000 readings and 3δ coverage factor.

AI_AbsoluteAccuracy=(20V)·0.038%+1.44mV  +6LSB·(20.62V)·22ˆ16bits+(1600μV)·310,000=12.864mV

Connector 3

The following sections describe the low-latency analog output characteristics accessible through CONNECTOR 3. For more information, including pinout descriptions, refer to PXIe-7890/7891 Getting Started content in the NI Product Documentation Center.

Connector type

68-pin VHDCI receptacle

Low-Latency Analog Output

Output type

Single-ended, voltage output

Number of channels



16 bits

Output range

±10 V, ±0.5 V[3]3 The PXIe-7890 supports 0.5 V range only on Ch<0..7>.

Update latency


148 nsec


168 nsec

Analog latency

50 nsec

Maximum update rate

4 MS/s


±4 LSB maximum


±1 LSB maximum

Output coupling


Output impedence

50 Ω

Slew rate

320 V/µs

Current drive

±100 mA

Crosstalk @100 kHz

-78 dB


Short circuit to ground

Overvoltage protection

Powered on

±32 V [4]4 AO channel will shut down at fault voltage more than ±5 V from configured AO output.

Powered off

±20 V

Power on state

0 V

Power on glitch

Dual range channel

1.3 V, decays to 0 V in 400 μs

Single range channel

0.4 V, decays to 0 V in 80 ms

Power off glitch

10 V range channels

4.6 V, decays to 0 V in 4 µs

0.5 V range channels

0.25 V, decays to 0 V in 4 µs

Settling time at Full Scale to 16 LSB

1.2 µs

Note Total hardware latency is Update latency + Analog latency.
Table 13. Low-Latency Analog Output Characteristics by Range
Specification Nominal Range
±10 V ±0.5 V
Output Noise (μVrms) – DC to 612 kHz 78 16
Gain Drift (ppm/˚C) 13 78
Offset Drift (μV/˚C) 260 13
Typical Output Range (V) ±10.32 ±0.51
Minimum Output Range (V) ±10.15 ±0.50

Information in Table 14. Low-Latency Analog Output Calibrated Accuracy and Table 15. Low-Latency Analog Output Uncalibrated Accuracy is applicable only for high impedance loads (> 1 Mohm), in which the load current is negligible due to the 50 ohm source resistance.

Table 14. Low-Latency Analog Output Calibrated Accuracy
Nominal Range Condition Gain Error (Percent of Reading) Offset Error
±10 V Typical (25°C to ±5°C) ±0.028% ±2.67 mV
Maximum (0°C to 55°C) ±0.162% ±19.94 mV
±0.5 V Typical (25°C to ±5°C) ±0.099% ±0.13 mV
Maximum (0°C to 55°C) ±0.852% ±1.03 mV
Table 15. Low-Latency Analog Output Uncalibrated Accuracy
Nominal Range Condition Gain Error (Percent of Reading) Offset Error
±10 V Typical (25°C to ±5°C) ±0.256% ±24.42 mV
Maximum (0°C to 55°C) ±0.828% ±81.65 mV
±0.5 V Typical (25°C to ±5°C) ±1.164% ±1.22 mV
Maximum (0°C to 55°C) ±4.319% ±4.21 mV
Note Uncalibrated accuracy refers to the accuracy achieved when outputting in raw or unscaled modes where the calibration constants stored in the module are not applied to the data. The gain error is relative to the typical output from Table 13. Low-Latency Analog Output Characteristics by Range. For example, on the ±10 V nominal range, the gain error is relative to a full-scale value of ±10.32 V.

Low Latency AO Absolute Accuracy Equation

LLAO_AbsoluteAccuracy=(OutputValue)·GainError  + OffsetError +INLError·OutputRange·  2/216bits

The following example calculates the absolute full scale calibrated accuracy at 25 ±5˚C on the 10 V range.

LLAO_AbsoluteAccuracy=(10V)·0.028%+2.67mV  +4LSB·(10.32V)·22ˆ16bits=6.730mV



2 years

Reconfigurable FPGA

The PXIe-7890 provides a KU060 FPGA with characteristics shown in the following table.

Table 16. KU060 FPGA Characteristics
Characteristics KU060
LUTs 331,680
DSP48 slices (25 × 18 multiplier) 2,760
Embedded Block RAM 38.0 Mb
Timebase reference sources PXI Express 100 MHz (PXIe_CLK100)
Data transfers DMA, interrupts, programmed I/O, multi-gigabit transceivers
Number of DMA channels 60
Note The list above depicts the total number of FPGA resources available on the part. The number of resources available to the user is slightly lower, as some FPGA resources are consumed by board-interfacing IP for PCI Express, device configuration, and various board I/O. For more information, contact NI Support.

Onboard DRAM

Memory size

4 GB (2 banks of 2 GB)

DRAM clock rate

1064 MHz

Physical bus width

32 bit

LabVIEW FPGA DRAM clock rate

267 MHz

LabVIEW FPGA DRAM bus width

256 bit per bank

Maximum theoretical data rate

17 GB/s (8.5 GB/s per bank)

Bus Interface

Form factor

PCI Express Gen-3 x8

Maximum Power Requirements

Note Power requirements are dependent on the contents of the LabVIEW FPGA VI used in your application.
Maximum Current

+3.3 Vdc

2.3 A

+12.0 Vdc

4.2 A

Maximum total power

58.0 W

Power consumption is from both PXI Express backplane power connectors.

Physical Characteristics

Dimensions (not including connectors)

4.0 cm × 13.0 cm × 21.6 cm (0.8 in. × 5.1 in. × 8.5 in.)


771 g (27.2 oz)

Environmental Characteristics



0 °C to 55 °C


-40 °C to 71 °C



10% to 90%, noncondensing


5% to 95%, noncondensing

Pollution Degree


Maximum altitude

2,000 m (800 mbar) (at 25 °C ambient temperature)

Shock and Vibration

Operating vibration

5 Hz to 500 Hz, 0.3 g RMS

Non-operating vibration

5 Hz to 500 Hz, 2.4 g RMS

Operating shock

30 g, half-sine, 11 ms pulse

1 800 mV pk-pk when transmitter output swing is set to the maximum setting.

2 Only valid for fault on +/- input for 8 AI channels maximum. Degrades to +/-30 V for all 16 channels fault.

3 The PXIe-7890 supports 0.5 V range only on Ch<0..7>.

4 AO channel will shut down at fault voltage more than ±5 V from configured AO output.