Finding Examples for the PXIe-5842

The PXIe-5842 user manual uses examples to guide you through step-by-step instructions for basic operation of the PXIe-5842 in G (LabVIEW), C/C++, and Visual C# or Visual Basic .NET. For examples of specialty applications, optimizations, and other customizations, browse the locations where examples are stored.

Access examples depending on your programming environment and the driver API(s) you want to use to control your instrument:
Programming EnvironmentDescription
LabVIEW, LabWindows™/CVI Use the Example Finder:
  1. Launch the programming environment.
  2. Select Help » Find Examples to open the NI Example Finder.
  3. Navigate to Hardware Input and Output » Modular Instruments.
  4. Open the example that best matches your application requirements.
Microsoft Visual Studio Browse your file system to find the examples for the RF APIs you are using:
  • RFmx: <NIDocDir>\<Personality>\Examples
  • NI-RFSA: <NIDocDir>\NI-RFSA\examples
  • NI-RFSG: <NIDocDir>\NI-RFSG\examples


  • <NIDocDir> is the Users\Public\Public Documents\National Instruments directory
  • <Personality> is the directory of your RFmx personality
You can also find examples for your driver API at Start » National Instruments » Driver Name Examples.