PXIe-5842 Hardware Option and Software Capability Mapping
- Updated2023-09-12
- 2 minute(s) read
PXIe-5842 Hardware Option and Software Capability Mapping
The hardware options for the PXIe-5842 unlock specific capabilities of the instrument that are generally accessible with NI-RFSA, NI-RFSG, RFmx, and InstrumentStudio software. Use these relationships to help evaluate which licenses you need.
VSA functionality
- Valid values: present or not
- Associated capability:
- Programming the instrument with NI-RFSA
- Programming the instrument with RFmx
- Running signal analyzer panels in InstrumentStudio
VSG functionality
- Valid values: present or not
- Associated capability:
- Programming the instrument with NI-RFSG
- Running signal generator panels in InstrumentStudio
Range of usable center frequencies
- Valid values:
- 30 MHz - 8 GHz
- 30 MHz - 12 GHz
- 30 MHz - 18 GHz
- 30 MHz - 26.5 GHz
- Associated capability:
- For analysis:
- In NI-RFSA sessions where Acquisition Type is set to IQ, setting Downconverter Center Frequency to a value within the licensed range
- In NI-RFSA or
RFmx spectrum acquisition, acquiring spectrum up to an upper
limit of Frequency Range + (Bandwidth
/ 2).
For example, a licensed frequency range of 30 MHz - 26.5 GHz combined with a 2 GHz bandwidth license enables acquiring spectrum from 30 MHz to 27.5 GHz.
- For generation:
- In NI-RFSG sessions where Generation Mode is set to Arb Waveform, setting Upconverter Center Frequency to a value within the licensed range
- In NI-RFSG sessions where Generation Mode is set to CW, setting Frequency to a value within the licensed range
- For analysis:
Maximum instantaneous bandwidth
- Valid values:
- 500 MHz
- 1 GHz
- 2 GHz
- Associated capability:
- Setting the Signal Bandwidth and Device Instantaneous Bandwidth properties up to the maximum licensed value.1 A lower limit may apply at low center frequencies or low carrier frequencies. Refer to PXIe-5842 Specifications for maximum bandwidth and maximum offset bandwidth across frequencies.[1]
- When Frequency Offset Mode is Automatic, the
instrument driver can apply automatic offset for signal bandwidths up to
roughly half the license value:
- 500 MHz option: 250 MHz
- 1 GHz option: 500 MHz
- 2 GHz option: up to 900 MHz[1]
- Setting the IQ Rate property up to 1.25 × Bandwidth License Value
Ability to pulse modulate RF signal generation
- Valid values: present or not
- Associated capability: In NI-RFSG, setting the Pulse Modulation Enabled property to True, and setting the PULSE: IN connector as a trigger source.
Ability to use the MGT ports for waveform streaming
- Valid values: present or not
- Associated capability: Ability to access the MGT ports for streaming purposes.
1 A lower limit may apply at low center frequencies or low carrier frequencies. Refer to PXIe-5842 Specifications for maximum bandwidth and maximum offset bandwidth across frequencies.