PXIe-5842 Hardware Option and Shipping Kit Mapping

Use this information to find the correct shipping kit part number, along with the associated PXIe-5842 assembly part number, for the PXIe-5842 instrument that has the options you need for your application.

These tables include information for only PXIe-5842 instruments based around a PXIe-5842 module with assembly part number 138862x-yL, where the hardware revision x is a letter and y is one or more digits. These tables describe hardware options and shipping kits for the PXIe-5842 VST instrument only.

Note The following assembly part numbers and shipping kit part numbers identify only signal direction (analyzer, generator, or transceiver), frequency range, and bandwidth. All other hardware options are identified through NI software or your purchase order.
Note NI software reports assembly part numbers for all of the following PXIe-5842 modules as 138862x-01L. For example, a PXIe-5842 module purchased within a complete instrument as 138862x-08510L is identified in MAX and Hardware Configuration Utility as 138862x-01L. You do not need the full assembly part number to identify the equipped hardware options for a PXIe-5842 instrument in NI software.

PXIe-5842 Analyzer Configurations

Table 1. PXIe-5842 Analyzer Configurations
Frequency Range Bandwidth PXIe-5842 Module Assembly Part Number PXIe-5842 VST Shipping Kit Part Number
30 MHz8 GHz 500 MHz 138862x-08510L 789600-08510
30 MHz12 GHz 500 MHz 138862x-12510L 789600-12510
30 MHz18 GHz 500 MHz 138862x-18510L 789600-18510
30 MHz26.5 GHz 500 MHz 138862x-26510L 789600-26510
30 MHz8 GHz 1 GHz 138862x-08110L 789600-08110
30 MHz12 GHz 1 GHz 138862x-12110L 789600-12110
30 MHz18 GHz 1 GHz 138862x-18110L 789600-18110
30 MHz26.5 GHz 1 GHz 138862x-26110L 789600-26110
30 MHz8 GHz 2 GHz 138862x-08210L 789600-08210
30 MHz12 GHz 2 GHz 138862x-12210L 789600-12210
30 MHz18 GHz 2 GHz 138862x-18210L 789600-18210
30 MHz26.5 GHz 2 GHz 138862x-26210L 789600-26210

PXIe-5842 Generator Configurations

Table 2. PXIe-5842 Generator Configurations
Frequency Range Bandwidth PXIe-5842 Module Assembly Part Number PXIe-5842 VST Shipping Kit Part Number
30 MHz8 GHz 500 MHz 138862x-08501L 789600-08501
30 MHz12 GHz 500 MHz 138862x-12501L 789600-12501
30 MHz18 GHz 500 MHz 138862x-18501L 789600-18501
30 MHz26.5 GHz 500 MHz 138862x-26501L 789600-26501
30 MHz8 GHz 1 GHz 138862x-08101L 789600-08101
30 MHz12 GHz 1 GHz 138862x-12101L 789600-12101
30 MHz18 GHz 1 GHz 138862x-18101L 789600-18101
30 MHz26.5 GHz 1 GHz 138862x-26101L 789600-26101
30 MHz8 GHz 2 GHz 138862x-08201L 789600-08201
30 MHz12 GHz 2 GHz 138862x-12201L 789600-12201
30 MHz18 GHz 2 GHz 138862x-18201L 789600-18201
30 MHz26.5 GHz 2 GHz 138862x-26201L 789600-26201

PXIe-5842 Transceiver Configurations

Table 3. PXIe-5842 Transceiver Configurations
Frequency Range Bandwidth PXIe-5842 Module Assembly Part Number PXIe-5842 VST Shipping Kit Part Number
30 MHz8 GHz 500 MHz 138862x-08511L 789600-08511
30 MHz12 GHz 500 MHz 138862x-12511L 789600-12511
30 MHz18 GHz 500 MHz 138862x-18511L 789600-18511
30 MHz26.5 GHz 500 MHz 138862x-26511L 789600-26511
30 MHz8 GHz 1 GHz 138862x-08111L 789600-08111
30 MHz12 GHz 1 GHz 138862x-12111L 789600-12111
30 MHz18 GHz 1 GHz 138862x-18111L 789600-18111
30 MHz26.5 GHz 1 GHz 138862x-26111L 789600-26111
30 MHz8 GHz 2 GHz 138862x-08211L 789600-08211
30 MHz12 GHz 2 GHz 138862x-12211L 789600-12211
30 MHz18 GHz 2 GHz 138862x-18211L 789600-18211
30 MHz26.5 GHz 2 GHz 138862x-26211L 789600-26211