Peer-to-Peer Data Streaming

The PXIe-5840 supports peer-to-peer (P2P) data streaming using the NI-P2P API. Peer-to-peer streaming exchanges data directly between supported devices, bypassing the host computer memory and making applications that require real-time data transfer between devices possible.

For more information about the following terminology, refer to the NI-P2P peer-to-peer streaming driver documentation.

  • Stream—The data path connection between two peer-to-peer endpoints. A peer-to-peer stream is independent of the data generation and consumption of the two peers.
  • Endpoint—The collection of hardware resources needed to support one end of a peer-to-peer stream. Multiple peer-to-peer endpoints may exist in a single device.
  • Writer Peer—The peer sending the data over the bus to the reader peer.
  • Reader Peer—The peer receiving the data over the bus from the writer peer.
  • Vector signal transceivers support simultaneous streaming between both peer-to-peer endpoints.