Configuring a Peer-to-Peer Endpoint

Any driver property that is associated with an instance of an endpoint is an endpoint-based property.

Configuring a Peer-to-Peer Endpoint with NI-RFSG

  1. Set the Active Channel property using an appropriate string when configuring endpoint-based properties.
    The syntax "FIF0endpointN" is used to tell NI-RFSG which RF vector signal transceiver endpoint is being specified, where N is an integer starting with 0. If the RF vector signal transceiver supports multiple endpoints, the first is "FIF0endpoint0", the second is "FIF0Endpoint1," and so on.
  2. Set the P2P Enabled property to True.
  3. To determine how many endpoints your RF vector signal transceiver supports, query the Endpoint Count property.
  4. Perform either a continuous generation or a finite generation.
    • Continuous generation: Set the Number of Records is Finite property to False
    • Finite generation: Set the Is Finite P2P Generation property to True, and set the Number of P2P Samples to Generate property to the number of samples that should be generated

Configuring a Peer-to-Peer Endpoint with NI-RFSA

  1. Set the Active Channel property using an appropriate string when configuring endpoint-based properties.
    The syntax "FIF0endpointN" is used to tell NI-RFSA which RF vector signal transceiver endpoint is being specified, where N is an integer starting with 0. If the RF vector signal transceiver supports multiple endpoints, the first is "FIF0endpoint0", the second is "FIF0Endpoint1," and so on.
  2. Set the P2P Enabled property to True.
  3. To determine how many endpoints your RF vector signal transceiver supports, query the P2P FIFO Endpoint Count property.
  4. Perform either a continuous acquisition or a finite acquisition.
    • Continuous acquisition: Set the Number of Records is Finite property to False
    • Finite acquisition: Set the Number of Samples is Finite property to True and set the Number of Samples property to the number of samples that should be acquired