Partial Self-Calibration

The partial self-calibration feature self-calibrates all configurations within the specified frequency and reference level limits of the PXIe-5831.

For best results, NI recommends that you perform partial self-calibration without omitting any steps. However, if certain aspects of performance are less important for your application, you can omit the following steps for faster execution:

  • LO Self Cal—Omits the LO path gain adjustment.
  • Amplitude Accuracy—Omits the RF absolute amplitude accuracy adjustment.
  • Residual LO Power—Omits the RF residual LO power adjustment.
  • Image Suppression—Omits the RF residual sideband suppression adjustment.
Note The default partial self-calibration does not omit any steps.

Performing Partial Self-Calibration Using LabVIEW

To perform a partial self-calibration when using LabVIEW, use the niRFSA Self Calibrate Range VI or the niRFSG Self Calibrate Range VI.

Note The niRFSA Self Calibrate Range VI does not perform any RF output calibration steps and the niRFSG Self Calibrate Range VI does not perform any RF input calibration steps.
Note Do not access the RF input, RF output, or basecard clock circuitry while either of these VIs are executing.
Notice Resetting the driver results in the loss of any stored partial self-calibration data. Restarting the computer typically resets the driver.
Note NI recommends that no external signals are transmitted to the RF input port during the partial self-calibration.

For more information about calibration, contact NI or visit You can obtain the calibration certificate for your product at