PXIe-5163 Mini-HDMI Breakout Cable to 6 BNC Pinout

You can use the Mini-HDMI Breakout Cable to 6 BNC to connect digital signals to the AUX 0 connector on the PXIe-5163 front panel. Refer to the following figure and table for information about the Mini-HDMI Breakout Cable to 6 BNC signals when connected to the AUX 0 front panel connector.


Table 6. Mini-HDMI Breakout Cable to 6 BNC Signal Descriptions
Signal Connector Type Description
CLK IN BNC female Used to import an external reference clock
CLK OUT Used to export the reference clock
PFI 0 Bidirectional PFI line
PFI 1 Bidirectional PFI line
PFI 2 Bidirectional PFI line
PFI 3 Bidirectional PFI line