PXIe-4139 Specifications

These specifications apply to the PXIe-4139.

Note In this document, the PXIe-4139 (40W) and PXIe-4139 (20W) are referred to inclusively as the PXIe-4139. The information in this document applies to all versions of the PXIe-4139 unless otherwise specified. To determine which version of the module you have, locate the device name in one of the following places:
  • In MAX—The PXIe-4139 (40W) shows NI PXIe-4139 (40W), and the PXIe-4139 (20W) shows as NI PXIe-4139.
  • Device front panel—The PXIe-4139 (40W) shows PXIe-4139 40W System SMU, and the PXIe-4139 (20W) shows NI PXIe-4139 Precision System SMU on the front panel.


Warranted specifications describe the performance of a model under stated operating conditions and are covered by the model warranty.

Characteristics describe values that are relevant to the use of the model under stated operating conditions but are not covered by the model warranty.

  • Typical specifications describe the performance met by a majority of models.
  • Nominal specifications describe an attribute that is based on design, conformance testing, or supplemental testing.
  • Measured specifications describe the measured performance of a representative model.

Specifications are Warranted unless otherwise noted.


Specifications are valid under the following conditions unless otherwise noted.

  • Ambient temperature[1]1 The ambient temperature of a PXI system is defined as the temperature at the chassis fan inlet (air intake). of 23 °C ± 5 ºC
  • Chassis with slot cooling capacity ≥38 W[2]2 For increased capability, NI recommends installing the PXIe-4139 (40W) in a chassis with slot cooling capacity ≥58 W.
    • For chassis with slot cooling capacity = 38 W, fan speed set to HIGH
  • Calibration interval of 1 year
  • 30 minutes warm-up time
  • Self-calibration performed within the last 24 hours
  • NI-DCPower Aperture Time is set to 2 power-line cycles (PLC)

Cleaning Statement

Notice Clean the hardware with a soft, nonmetallic brush. Make sure that the hardware is completely dry and free from contaminants before returning it to service.

Device Capabilities

The following table and figures illustrate the voltage and the current source and sink ranges of the PXIe-4139.

Table 1. Current Source and Sink Ranges
DC voltage ranges DC current source and sink ranges
  • 600 mV
  • 6 V
  • 60 V [3]3 The PXIe-4139 does not support configurations involving voltage > |42.4 V| when Sequence Step Delta Time Enabled is set to True.
  • 1 μA
  • 10 μA
  • 100 μA
  • 1 mA
  • 10 mA
  • 100 mA
  • 1 A
  • 3 A
  • 10 A, pulse only
Figure 1. Quadrant Diagram for PXIe-4139 (40W)

For additional information related to the Pulse Voltage or Pulse Current settings of the Output Function, for the PXIe-4139 (40W), including pulse on time and duty cycle limits for a particular operating point, refer to Pulsed Operation.

For supplementary examples, refer to Examples of Determining Extended Range Pulse Parameters and Optimizing Slew Rate using NI SourceAdapt.

Figure 2. Quadrant Diagram for PXIe-4139 (20W)

DC sourcing power and sinking power are limited to the values in the following table, regardless of output voltage.[4]4 Power limit defined by voltage measured between HI and LO terminals.

Table 2. DC Sourcing & Sinking Power
Model Variant Chassis Type DC Sourcing Power DC Sinking Power
PXIe-4139 (40W) ≥58 W Slot Cooling Capacity 40 W 40 W
<58 W Slot Cooling Capacity 20 W 12 W
PXIe-4139 (20W) ≥58 W Slot Cooling Capacity 20 W 12 W
<58 W Slot Cooling Capacity 20 W 12 W
Caution Limit DC power sinking to 12 W where applicable as indicated in the above table. For 38W cooling slots,
  • Additional derating applies to sinking power when operating at an ambient temperature of >45 °C.
  • If the PXI Express chassis has multiple fan speed settings, set the fans to the highest setting.


Note Tcal is the internal device temperature recorded by the PXIe-4139 at the completion of the last self-calibration.
Table 3. Voltage Programming and Measurement Accuracy/Resolution
Range Resolution (noise limited) Noise (0.1 Hz to 10 Hz, peak to peak), Typical Accuracy (23 °C ± 5 °C) ± (% of voltage + offset) [5]5 Accuracy is specified for no load output configurations. Refer to Load Regulation and Remote Sense sections for additional accuracy derating and conditions. Tempco ± (% of voltage + offset)/°C, 0 °C to 55 °C
Tcal ± 5 °C Tcal ± 1 °C
600 mV 100 nV 2 μV 0.02% + 50 μV 0.016% + 30 μV 0.0005% + 1 μV
6 V 1 μV 6 μV 0.02% + 300 μV 0.016% + 90 μV
60 V 10 μV 60 μV 0.02% + 3 mV 0.016% + 900 μV


Note Tcal is the internal device temperature recorded by the PXIe-4139 at the completion of the last self-calibration.
Table 4. Current Programming and Measurement Accuracy/Resolution
Range Resolution (noise limited) Noise (0.1 Hz to 10 Hz, peak to peak), Typical Accuracy (23 °C ± 5 °C) ± (% of current + offset) Tempco ± (% of current + offset)/°C, 0 °C to 55 °C
Tcal ± 5 °C Tcal ± 1 °C
1 μA 100 fA 4 pA 0.03% + 100 pA 0.022% + 40 pA 0.0006% + 4 pA
10 μA 1 pA 30 pA 0.03% + 700 pA 0.022% + 300 pA 0.0006% + 22 pA
100 μA 10 pA 200 pA 0.03% + 6 nA 0.022% + 2 nA 0.0006% + 200 pA
1 mA 100 pA 2 nA 0.03% + 60 nA 0.022% + 20 nA 0.0006% + 2 nA
10 mA 1 nA 20 nA 0.03% + 600 nA 0.022% + 200 nA 0.0006% + 20 nA
100 mA 10 nA 200 nA 0.03% + 6 μA 0.022% + 2 μA 0.0006% + 200 nA
1 A 100 nA 2 μA 0.03% + 60 μA 0.027% + 20 μA 0.0006% + 2 μA
3 A 1 μA 20 μA 0.083% + 900 μA 0.083% + 600 μA 0.002% + 20 μA
10 A, pulsing only, typical


Wideband source noise

<20 mV peak-to-peak in 60 V range, device configured for normal transient response, 10 Hz to 20 MHz, typical

The following figures illustrate measurement noise as a function of measurement aperture for the PXIe-4139.

Figure 1. Voltage Measurement Noise vs. Measurement Aperture, Nominal

Note When the aperture time is set to 2 power-line cycles (PLCs), measurement noise differs slightly depending on whether the Power Line Frequency is set to 50 Hz or 60 Hz.
Figure 1. Current Measurement Noise vs. Measurement Aperture, Nominal

Note When the aperture time is set to 2 power-line cycles (PLCs), measurement noise differs slightly depending on whether the Power Line Frequency is set to 50 Hz or 60 Hz.

Sinking Power vs. Ambient Temperature Derating

The following figure illustrates sinking power derating as a function of ambient temperature. This applies to the PXIe-4139 (20W) when used with any chassis and only applies to the PXIe-4139 (40W) when used with a chassis with slot cooling capacity <58 W.

Figure 1. Sinking Power vs. Ambient Temperature Derating

Note When using the PXIe-4139 (40W) with a chassis with slot cooling capacity ≥58 W, ambient temperature derating does not apply.

Output Resistance Programming Accuracy

Note Tcal is the internal device temperature recorded by the PXIe-4139 at the completion of the last self-calibration.
Table 5. Output Resistance Programming Accuracy
Current Level/Limit Range Programmable Resistance Range, Voltage Mode Programmable Resistance Range, Current Mode Accuracy ± (% of resistance setting), Tcal ± 5 °C
1 μA 0 to ±5 MΩ ±5 MΩ to ±infinity 0.03%
10 μA 0 to ±500 kΩ ±500 kΩ to ±infinity
100 μA 0 to ±50 kΩ ±50 kΩ to ±infinity
1 mA 0 to ±5 kΩ ±5 kΩ to ±infinity
10 mA 0 to ±500 Ω ±500 Ω to ±infinity
100 mA 0 to ±50 Ω ±50 Ω to ±infinity
1 A 0 to ±5 Ω ±5 Ω to ±infinity
3 A 0 to ±500 mΩ ±500 mΩ to ±infinity
10 A , pulsing only

Pulsed Operation

Dynamic load, minimum pulse cycle time[6]6 For example, given a continuous pulsin load, if the largest dynamic step in power that the load sources/sinks is from 5 W to 15 W, then the maximum SMU power step is 10 W. Thus, the minimum dynamic load pulse cycle time is 250 μs.

25 μs/W

The following figure visually explains the terms used in the extended range pulsing sections.

Figure 1. Definition of Pulsing Terminology

Extended Range Pulsing for PXIe-4139 (40W)

Note Extended range pulses fall outside DC range limits for either current or power. In-range pulses fall within DC range limits and are not subject to extended range pulsing limitations. Extended range pulsing is enabled by setting Output Function to Pulse Voltage or Pulse Current.

The following figures illustrate the maximum pulse on time and duty cycle for the PXIe-4139 (40W) in a ≥58 W cooling slot, for a desired pulse voltage and pulse current given zero bias voltage and current. The shaded areas allow for a quick approximation of output limitations and limiting parameters. Actual limits are described by equations in PXIe-4139 (40 W) Pulse Level Limits.

Figure 1. Pulse On-time vs Pulse Current and Pulse Voltage

Note Equations to solve for maximum pulse on time, tonMax, are shown in PXIe-4139 (40 W) Pulse Level Limits. Additionally, Equation 6 solves for pulse on time, ton, in terms of maximum pulse energy in Example 1: Determining Extended Range Pulse On Time and Duty Cycle Parameters for the PXIe-4139 (40W).
Figure 1. Duty Cycle vs Pulse Current and Pulse Voltage

Note Equations to solve for maximum duty cycle, DMax, are shown in PXIe-4139 (40 W) Pulse Level Limits. Additionally, Equation 7 solves for pulse off time, toff, in terms of maximum pulse energy in Example 1: Determining Extended Range Pulse On Time and Duty Cycle Parameters for the PXIe-4139 (40W).
Bias level limits

Maximum voltage, Vbias

60 V

Maximum current, Ibias

3 A

Table 6. PXIe-4139 (40W) Pulse Level Limits
Specification Value Equation
Maximum voltage, VpulseMax 50 V
Maximum current, IpulseMax 10 A
Maximum on time, tonMax.
Note Pulse on time is measured from the start of the leading edge to the start of the trailing edge. See Definition of Pulsing Terminology.
If Ipulse > 3 A Calculate using the equation or refer to Pulse On-Time vs Pulse Current and Pulse Voltage to estimate the value.

Equation 1

tonMax=2 ms ×7 AIpulse-3 A
, where
tonMax167 s

If Ipulse3 A tonMax = 167 s
Maximum pulse energy, EpulseMax[7]7 Refer to Pulse On-Time vs Pulse Current and Pulse Voltage to estimate the value and determine the limiting equation. 0.4 J

Equation 2

, where
Maximum duty cycle, DMax[8]8 Refer to Duty Cycle vs Pulse Current and Pulse Voltage to estimate the value and determine the limiting equation. If D≥100%, consider switching Output Function from Pulse mode to DC mode. Calculate using the equation or refer to Duty Cycle vs Pulse Current and Pulse Voltage to estimate the value.

Equation 3

DMax=3.68 A2-Ibias2Ipulse2-Ibias2×100%
Minimum pulse cycle time, tcycleMin 5 ms

Equation 4

, where
Maximum cycle average power, PCAMax[9]9 Refer to Duty Cycle vs Pulse Current and Pulse Voltage to estimate the value and determine the limiting equation. ≥58 W Slot Cooling Capacity Chassis 40 W

Equation 5

, where
<58 W Slot Cooling Capacity Chassis 10 W
Note Software will not allow settings that violate these limiting equations and will generate an error.

Extended Range Pulsing for PXIe-4139 (20W)

Note Extended range pulses fall outside DC range limits for either current or power. In-range pulses fall within DC range limits and are not subject to extended range pulsing limitations. Extended range pulsing is enabled by setting Output Function to Pulse Voltage or Pulse Current.
Table 7. PXIe-4139 (20 W) Bias Level Limits
Specification Value
Maximum voltage 60 V
Maximum current 3 A
Table 8. PXIe-4139 (20 W) Pulse Level Limits
Specification Value
Maximum voltage 50 V
Maximum current 10 A
Maximum on time
Note Pulse on time is measured from the start of the leading edge to the start of the trailing edge. See Definition of Pulsing Terminology.
1 ms
Minimum pulse cycle time 5 ms
Energy 0.2 J
Maximum cycle average power 10 W
Maximum duty cycle 5%

Transient Response and Settling Time

Transient response

<70 μs to recover within 0.1% of voltage range after a load current change from 10% to 90% of range, device configured for fast transient response, typical

Maximum slew rate[10]10 Optimize transient response, overshoot, and slew rate with NI SourceAdapt by adjusting the Transient Response., [11]11 To improve the slew rate, see Examples of Determining Extended Range Pulse Parameters and Optimizing Slew Rate using NI SourceAdapt.

0.7 A/μs

Settling time[12]12 Measured as the time to settle to within 0.1% of step amplitude, device configured for fast transient response.

Voltage mode, 50 V step, unloaded[13]13 Current limit set to ≥50 μA and ≥50% of the selected current limit range.

<200 μs, typical

Voltage mode, 5 V step or smaller, unloaded[14]14 Current limit set to ≥20 μA and ≥20% of selected current limit range.

<70 μs, typical

Current mode, full-scale step, 10 A to 100 μA ranges

<50 μs, typical

Current mode, full-scale step, 10 μA range

<150 μs, typical

Current mode, full-scale step, 1 μA range

<300 μs, typical

Note For current mode, full-scale step, voltage limit set to ≥2 V and resistive load set to 1 V/selected current range.

The following figures illustrate the effect of the transient response setting on the step response of the PXIe-4139 for different loads.

Figure 1. 1 mA Range, No Load Step Response, Nominal

Figure 1. 1 mA Range, 100 nF Load Step Response, Nominal

Load Regulation


Device configured for local sense

100 μV per mA of output load change (measured between output channel terminals), typical

Device configured for remote sense

Load regulation effect included in voltage accuracy specifications

Current, device configured for local or remote sense

Load regulation effect included in current accuracy specifications

Expected Relay Life

Output Connected

≥100 k cycles

Note To avoid excessive relay wear, do not set Output Connected to TRUE when a non-zero voltage is connected to the output.

Measurement and Update Timing Characteristics

Available sample rates[15]15 When sourcing while measuring, both the Source Delay and Aperture Time affect the sampling rate. When taking a measure record, only the Aperture Time affects the sampling rate. (1.8 MS/s)/N where N = 1, 2, 3, … 224, nominal
Sample rate accuracy Equal to PXIe_CLK100 accuracy, nominal
Maximum measure rate to host 1.8 MS/s per channel, continuous, nominal
Table 9. Maximum Source Update Rate
Mode Value
Sequence mode 100,000 updates/s (10 μs/update), nominal
Timed output mode 80,000 updates/s (12.5 μs/update), nominal
Note As the source delay is adjusted or if advanced sequencing is used, maximum source rates vary. Timed output mode is enabled in Sequence Mode by setting the Sequence Step Delta Time Enabled to True. Additional timing limitations apply when operating in pulse mode (Output Function is set to Pulse Voltage or Pulse Current).
Table 10. Input Trigger Timing
Event Time
Source event delay 10 μs, nominal
Source event jitter 1 μs, nominal
Measure event jitter 1 μs, nominal
Shutdown[16]16 Time from PXI Trigger sent until SMU output goes to high impedance. 100 μs, typical
Table 11. Pulse Mode Timing and Accuracy
Specification Value
Minimum pulse on time
Note Pulse on time is measured from the start of the leading edge to the start of the trailing edge. See Definition of Pulsing Terminology.
PXIe-4139 (40 W)
Note Optimize transient response, overshoot, and slew rate with NI SourceAdapt by adjusting the Transient Response.
10 μs, nominal
PXIe-4139 (20 W) 50 μs, nominal
Minimum pulse off time[17]17 Pulses fall inside DC limits.Pulse off time is measured from the start of the trailing edge to the start of a subsequent leading edge. 50 μs, nominal
Pulse on time or off time programming resolution 100 ns, nominal
Pulse on time or off time programming accuracy ±5 μs, nominal
Pulse on time or off time jitter 1 μs, nominal
Note Pulse mode is enabled when the Output Function is set to Pulse Voltage or Pulse Current. This mode enables access to extended range pulsing capabilities. For PXIe-4139 (20W), shorter minimum on times for in-range pulses can be achieved using Sequence mode or Timed Output mode with the Output Function set to Voltage or Current.

Remote Sense

Voltage accuracy

Add (3 ppm of voltage range + 11 µV) per volt of HI lead drop plus 1 µV per volt of lead drop per Ω of corresponding sense lead resistance to voltage accuracy specifications.

Maximum sense lead resistance

100 Ω

Maximum lead drop per lead

3 V, characteristic

Note Exceeding the maximum lead drop per lead value may result in additional error.

Examples of Calculating Accuracy

Note Specifications listed in examples are for demonstration purposes only and do not necessarily reflect specifications for this device.
Note Tcal is the internal device temperature recorded by the PXIe-4139 at the completion of the last self-calibration.

Example 1: Calculating 5 °C Accuracy

Calculate the accuracy of 900 nA output in the 1 µA range under the following conditions:

ambient temperature 28 °C
internal device temperature within Tcal ± 5 °C
self-calibration within the last 24 hours.


Since the device internal temperature is within Tcal ± 5 °C and the ambient temperature is within 23 °C ± 5 °C, the appropriate accuracy specification is:

0.03% + 100 pA

Calculate the accuracy using the following equation:




Therefore, the actual output will be within 370 pA of 900 nA.

Example 2: Calculating 1 °C Accuracy

Calculate the accuracy of 900 nA output in the 1 µA range. Assume the same conditions as in Example 1, with the following differences:

internal device temperature within Tcal ± 1 °C


Since the device internal temperature is within Tcal ± 1 °C and the ambient temperature is within 23 °C ± 5 °C, the appropriate accuracy specification is:

0.022% + 40 pA

Calculate the accuracy using the following equation:



Therefore, the actual output will be within 238 pA of 900 nA.

Example 3: Calculating Remote Sense Accuracy

Calculate the remote sense accuracy of 500 mV output in the 600 mV range. Assume the same conditions as in Example 2, with the following differences:

HI path lead drop 3 V
HI sense lead resistance 2 Ω
LO path lead drop 2.5 V
LO sense lead resistance 1.5 Ω


Since the device internal temperature is within Tcal ± 1 °C and the ambient temperature is within 23 °C ± 5 °C, the appropriate accuracy specification is:

0.016% + 30 μV

Since the device is using remote sense, use the remote sense accuracy specification:

Add (3 ppm of voltage range + 11 µV) per volt of HI lead drop plus 1 µV per volt of lead drop per Ω of corresponding sense lead resistance to voltage accuracy specifications.

Calculate the remote sense accuracy using the following equation:




Therefore, the actual output will be within 158.2 µV of 500 mV.

Example 4: Calculating Accuracy with Temperature Coefficient

Calculate the accuracy of 900 nA output in the 1 µA range. Assume the same conditions as in Example 2, with the following differences:

ambient temperature 15 °C


Since the device internal temperature is within Tcal ± 1 °C, the appropriate accuracy specification is:

0.022% + 40 pA

Since the ambient temperature falls outside of 23 °C ± 5 °C, use the following temperature coefficient per degree Celsius outside the 23 °C ± 5 °C range:

0.0006% + 4 pA

Calculate the accuracy using the following equation:





Therefore, the actual output will be within 266.2 pA of 900 nA.

Examples of Determining Extended Range Pulse Parameters and Optimizing Slew Rate using NI SourceAdapt

Note Specifications listed in examples are for demonstration purposes only and do not necessarily reflect specifications for this device.

Example 1: Determining Extended Range Pulse On Time and Duty Cycle Parameters for the PXIe-4139 (40W)

Determine the extended range pulsing parameters, assuming the following operating point.

Output function Pulse Current
Pulse voltage limit, Vpulse 40 V
Pulse current level, Ipulse 6 A
Bias voltage limit, Vbias 0.1 V
Bias current level, Ibias 0 A
Pulse on time, ton 1.5 ms
Chassis' slot cooling capacity ≥58 W


Begin by calculating the pulse power using the following equation.

Pulse power=Vpulse*Ipulse

=40 V* 6 A

=240 W

For PXIe-4139 (40W), refer to the following figures to identify next steps. First, verify the the region of operation using Definition of Pulsing Terminology, which shows 240 W is in the extended range pulsing region.

Next, refer to Pulse On-time vs Pulse Current and Pulse Voltage, which shows the maximum pulse on time, ton, is limited by the maximum pulse energy, EpulseMax. Use the pulse energy equation (Equation 2) from Extended Range Pulsing for PXIe-4139 (40W) to calculate the maximum pulse on time, tonMax(Equation 6).

Equation 6


=|0.4 J40 V* 6 A|

=1.67 ms

Next, refer to Duty Cycle vs Pulse Current and Pulse Voltage, which shows the maximum duty cycle, D, is limited by the cycle average power, PCA.If the required pulse on time is 1.5 ms and the module is installed in a chassis with slot cooling capacity ≥58 W, use the cycle average power equation (Equation 5) from Extended Range Pulsing for PXIe-4139 (40W) to calculate the minimum pulse off time, toffMin(Equation 7).

Equation 7

toffMin=PCA*ton-Vpulse*Ipulse*tonPCA-Vbias*Ibias =|40 W* 1.5 ms40 V* 6 A* 1.5 ms40 W0.1 V* 0 A|

=7.5 ms

Finally, verify that the pulse cycle time, tcycle, is greater than or equal to the minimum pulse cycle time, tcycleMin (5 ms). To calculate the pulse cycle time, use the following equation:

tcycle=ton+toff    (Eq. 4)

=1.5 ms+7.5 ms

=9 ms

In this case, the pulse cycle time meets the minimum pulse cycle time specification.

Therefore, a 40 V, 6 A pulse with an on time of 1.5 ms and a pulse off time of 7.5 ms is supported, since it fulfills the following criteria:

  • Greater than the minimum pulse on time of 10 μs
  • Equal to the minimum pulse off time of 7.5 ms to meet maximum cycle average power
  • Greater than the minimum pulse cycle time of 5 ms

Example 2: Determining Extended Range Pulse On Time and Duty Cycle Parameters for the PXIe-4139 (20W)

Determine the extended range pulsing parameters, assuming the following operating point.

Output function Pulse Current
Pulse voltage limit, Vpulse 40 V
Pulse current level, Ipulse 6 A
Bias voltage limit, Vbias 0.1 V
Bias current level, Ibias 0 A
Pulse on time, ton 1.5 ms
Chassis' slot cooling capacity ≥58 W


Begin by calculating the pulse power using the following equation.

Pulse power=Vpulse*Ipulse

=40 V* 6 A

=240 W

Since the pulse power of 240 W is within the 500 W region of Figure 2, the maximum configurable on time is 400 μs and maximum duty cycle is 2%.

For example, if the required pulse on time is 100 μs, and the required pulse cycle time is 10 ms, calculate the pulse off time and verify the duty cycle using the following equations.


=10 ms100μs

=9.9 ms

Duty cycle=tontcycle* 100%


Therefore, a pulse with an on time of 100 μs and 1% duty cycle would be supported, since it fulfills the following criteria:

  • Greater than the minimum pulse on time of 50 μs
  • Less than the maximum pulse on time of 400 μs and duty cycle of 2%
  • Greater than the minimum pulse cycle time of 5 ms

Example 3: Using NI SourceAdapt to Increase the Slew Rate of the Pulse

Determine the appropriate operating parameters and custom transient response settings, assuming the following example parameters.

Output function Pulse Current
Pulse voltage limit, Vpulse 50 V
Pulse current level, Ipulse 5 A
Bias voltage limit, Vbias 0.1 V
Bias current level, Ibias 0 A
Transient response Fast
Load, cable impedance 4.5 Ω, 40 μH
Pulse on time, ton 10 μs
Pulse off time, toff 4.99 ms

The SMU Transient Response can be configured to three predefined settings, Slow, Normal, and Fast. If these settings do not provide the desired pulse response, a fourth setting, Custom, enables NI SourceAdapt[18]18 Visit ni.com for more information about NI SourceAdapt Next-Generation SMU Technology. technology which provides the ability to customize the SMU response to any load, and achieve an ideal response with minimum rise times and no overshoots or oscillations.

Figure 1. 10 μs Pulse Output with Load, Fast Transient Response


SourceAdapt allows users to set the desired gain bandwidth, compensation frequency, and pole-zero ratio through custom transient response to obtain the desired pulse waveform. To use SourceAdapt, first set the Transient Response to Custom.

To achieve the resulting waveform in the following figure, use the parameters in the following table.

Figure 1. 10 μs Pulse Output with Load, Custom Transient Response

Transient response Custom
Current: Gain bandwidth 260 kHz
Current: Compensation frequency 140 kHz
Current: Pole-zero ratio 0.75

Gain bandwidth is directly proportional to the step response slew rate. The higher the gain bandwidth, the higher the slew rate. It is worth noting that increasing the gain bandwidth will likely increase ringing. However, this can likely be removed by appropriately setting the compensation frequency and the pole-zero ratio.

Figure 1. Example of Ringing Frequency

Compensation frequency and pole-zero ratio are used to determine the frequencies of the SMU control loop pole and zero, which can be used to optimize the system transient response by increasing phase margin and reducing ringing. To reduce the overshoot, it is recommended to set the compensation frequency close to the overshoot ringing frequency, see Fc in Figure 3, and set the pole-zero ratio to be greater than 1.

For reference, the pole frequency and zero frequency are derived by the following equations.

Pole frequency=Compensation frequency*Pole-zero ratio

Zero frequency=Compensation frequencyPole-zero ratio

These settings can be accessed through the Transient Response set to Custom: Voltage or Current.

Trigger Characteristics

Input triggers


Start, Source, Sequence Advance, Measure, Pulse; Shutdown

Sources (PXI trigger lines <0...7>)



Minimum pulse width

100 ns, nominal

Destinations19 Pulse widths and logic levels are compliant with PXI Express Hardware Specification Revision 1.0 ECN 1.[20]20 Input triggers can be re-exported. (PXI trigger lines <0...7>)


Active high (not configurable)

Pulse width

>200 ns, typical

Output triggers (events)


Source Complete, Sequence Iteration Complete, Sequence Engine Done, Measure Complete, Pulse Complete, Ready for Pulse

Destinations (PXI trigger lines <0...7>)



Pulse width

Configurable between 250 ns and 1.6 μs, nominal


Output channel protection

Overcurrent or overvoltage

Automatic shutdown, output disconnect relay opens


Automatic shutdown, output disconnect relay opens

Safety Voltage and Current

Notice The protection provided by the PXIe-4139 can be impaired if it is used in a manner not described in the user documentation.
Warning Take precautions to avoid electrical shock when operating this product at hazardous voltages.
Caution Isolation voltage ratings apply to the voltage measured between any channel pin and the chassis ground. When operating channels in series or floating on top of external voltage references, ensure that no terminal exceeds this rating.
Attention Les tensions nominales d'isolation s'appliquent à la tension mesurée entre n'importe quelle broche de voie et la masse du châssis. Lors de l'utilisation de voies en série ou flottantes en plus des références de tension externes, assurez-vous qu'aucun terminal ne dépasse cette valeur nominale.

DC voltage

±60 V

Channel-to-earth ground isolation


150 VDC, CAT I


1,000 V RMS, verified by a 5 s withstand

Caution Do not connect the PXIe-4139 to signals or use for measurements within Measurement Categories II, III, or IV.
Attention Ne connectez pas le PXIe-4139 à des signaux et ne l'utilisez pas pour effectuer des mesures dans les catégories de mesure II, III ou IV.

Measurement Category I is for measurements performed on circuits not directly connected to the electrical distribution system referred to as MAINS voltage. MAINS is a hazardous live electrical supply system that powers equipment. This category is for measurements of voltages from specially protected secondary circuits. Such voltage measurements include signal levels, special equipment, limited-energy parts of equipment, circuits powered by regulated low-voltage sources, and electronics.

Note Measurement Categories CAT I and CAT O are equivalent. These test and measurement circuits are for other circuits not intended for direct connection to the MAINS building installations of Measurement Categories CAT II, CAT III, or CAT IV.

DC current range

±3 A

±10 A, pulse only

Guard Output Characteristics

Cable guard

Output impedance

2 kΩ, nominal

Offset voltage

1 mV, typical

Calibration Interval

Recommended calibration interval

1 year

Power Requirement

PXI Express power requirement

PXIe-4139 (40W)

3.0 A from the 3.3 V rail and 6.0 A from the 12 V rail

PXIe-4139 (20W)

2.5 A from the 3.3 V rail and 2.2 A from the 12 V rail



3U, one-slot, PXI Express/CompactPCI Express module

2.0 cm × 13.0 cm × 21.6 cm (0.8 in. × 5.1 in. × 8.5 in.)


PXIe-4139 (40W)

427 g (15.1 oz)

PXIe-4139 (20W)

419 g (14.8 oz)

Front panel connectors

5.08 mm (8 position)

Environmental Guidelines

Notice This product is intended for use in indoor applications only.
Notice Cover all empty slots using filler panels.

Environmental Characteristics



0 °C to 55 °C


-40 °C to 71 °C



10% to 90%, noncondensing


5% to 95%, noncondensing

Pollution Degree


Maximum altitude

2,000 m (800 mbar) (at 25 °C ambient temperature)

Shock and Vibration

Operating vibration

5 Hz to 500 Hz, 0.3 g RMS

Non-operating vibration

5 Hz to 500 Hz, 2.4 g RMS

Operating shock

30 g, half-sine, 11 ms pulse

Environmental Standards

This product meets the requirements of the following environmental standards for electrical equipment.

  • IEC 60068-2-1 Cold
  • IEC 60068-2-2 Dry heat
  • IEC 60068-2-78 Damp heat (steady state)
  • IEC 60068-2-64 Random operating vibration
  • IEC 60068-2-27 Operating shock
Note To verify marine approval certification for a product, refer to the product label or visit ni.com/certification and search for the certificate.

Safety Compliance Standards

This product is designed to meet the requirements of the following electrical equipment safety standards for measurement, control, and laboratory use:

  • IEC 61010-1, EN 61010-1
  • UL 61010-1, CSA C22.2 No. 61010-1
Note For safety certifications, refer to the product label or the Product Certifications and Declarations section.

Electromagnetic Compatibility

This product meets the requirements of the following EMC standards for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use:
  • EN 61326-1 (IEC 61326-1): Class A emissions; Basic immunity
  • EN 55011 (CISPR 11): Group 1, Class A emissions
  • AS/NZS CISPR 11: Group 1, Class A emissions
Note Group 1 equipment (per CISPR 11) is any industrial, scientific, or medical equipment that does not intentionally generate radio frequency energy for the treatment of material or inspection/analysis purposes.
Note For EMC declarations, certifications, and additional information, refer to the Product Certifications and Declarations section.

Environmental Management

NI is committed to designing and manufacturing products in an environmentally responsible manner. NI recognizes that eliminating certain hazardous substances from our products is beneficial to the environment and to NI customers.

For additional environmental information, refer to the Engineering a Healthy Planet web page at ni.com/environment. This page contains the environmental regulations and directives with which NI complies, as well as other environmental information not included in this document.

EU and UK Customers

  • Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)—At the end of the product life cycle, all NI products must be disposed of according to local laws and regulations. For more information about how to recycle NI products in your region, visit ni.com/environment/weee.
  • 电子信息产品污染控制管理办法(中国RoHS)

  • 中国RoHSNI符合中国电子信息产品中限制使用某些有害物质指令(RoHS)。关于NI中国RoHS合规性信息,请登录 ni.com/environment/rohs_china。(For information about China RoHS compliance, go to ni.com/environment/rohs_china.)
  • Product Certifications and Declarations

    Refer to the product Declaration of Conformity (DoC) for additional regulatory compliance information. To obtain product certifications and the DoC for NI products, visit ni.com/product-certifications, search by model number, and click the appropriate link.

    NI Services

    Visit ni.com/support to find support resources including documentation, downloads, and troubleshooting and application development self-help such as tutorials and examples.

    Visit ni.com/services to learn about NI service offerings such as calibration options, repair, and replacement.

    Visit ni.com/register to register your NI product. Product registration facilitates technical support and ensures that you receive important information updates from NI.

    NI corporate headquarters is located at 11500 N Mopac Expwy, Austin, TX, 78759-3504, USA.

    1 The ambient temperature of a PXI system is defined as the temperature at the chassis fan inlet (air intake).

    2 For increased capability, NI recommends installing the PXIe-4139 (40W) in a chassis with slot cooling capacity ≥58 W.

    3 The PXIe-4139 does not support configurations involving voltage > |42.4 V| when Sequence Step Delta Time Enabled is set to True.

    4 Power limit defined by voltage measured between HI and LO terminals.

    5 Accuracy is specified for no load output configurations. Refer to Load Regulation and Remote Sense sections for additional accuracy derating and conditions.

    6 For example, given a continuous pulsin load, if the largest dynamic step in power that the load sources/sinks is from 5 W to 15 W, then the maximum SMU power step is 10 W. Thus, the minimum dynamic load pulse cycle time is 250 μs.

    7 Refer to Pulse On-Time vs Pulse Current and Pulse Voltage to estimate the value and determine the limiting equation.

    8 Refer to Duty Cycle vs Pulse Current and Pulse Voltage to estimate the value and determine the limiting equation. If D≥100%, consider switching Output Function from Pulse mode to DC mode.

    9 Refer to Duty Cycle vs Pulse Current and Pulse Voltage to estimate the value and determine the limiting equation.

    10 Optimize transient response, overshoot, and slew rate with NI SourceAdapt by adjusting the Transient Response.

    11 To improve the slew rate, see Examples of Determining Extended Range Pulse Parameters and Optimizing Slew Rate using NI SourceAdapt.

    12 Measured as the time to settle to within 0.1% of step amplitude, device configured for fast transient response.

    13 Current limit set to ≥50 μA and ≥50% of the selected current limit range.

    14 Current limit set to ≥20 μA and ≥20% of selected current limit range.

    15 When sourcing while measuring, both the Source Delay and Aperture Time affect the sampling rate. When taking a measure record, only the Aperture Time affects the sampling rate.

    16 Time from PXI Trigger sent until SMU output goes to high impedance.

    17 Pulses fall inside DC limits.Pulse off time is measured from the start of the trailing edge to the start of a subsequent leading edge.

    18 Visit ni.com for more information about NI SourceAdapt Next-Generation SMU Technology.

    19 Pulse widths and logic levels are compliant with PXI Express Hardware Specification Revision 1.0 ECN 1.

    20 Input triggers can be re-exported.