PXIe-2569 100-SPST Topology

Module software name: 2569/100-SPST (NISWITCH_TOPOLOGY_2569_100_SPST)

The module is composed of 100 armature latching SPST relays.

For certain applications, you may need to increase the default settling time.

Note Switching inductive loads (for example, motors and solenoids) can produce high voltage transients in excess of the module's rated voltage. Without additional protection, these transients can interfere with module operation and impact relay life.

100-SPST Topology

Making a Connection

You can control the channels using the niSwitch Connect Channels VI or the niSwitch_Connect function.

For example, to close the relay of channel 2, call niSwitch_Connect(vi, "ch2", "com2"). To open the relay of channel 2, call niSwitch_Disconnect(vi, "ch2", "com2").

When scanning the module, a typical scan list entry could be ch2->com2;. This entry closes the relay between CH2 and COM2.