1-Wire 16×32 Matrix

Software name: 2532/1-Wire 16x32 Matrix (NISWITCH_TOPOLOGY_2532_1_WIRE_16X32_MATRIX)

Hardware Diagram


Making a Connection

Both the scanning command, r1->c1;, and the immediate operation, niSwitch Connect Channels VI or the niSwitch_Connect function with parameters r2 and c1, result in the following connection:

  • signal connected to R1 is routed to C1

Terminal Block Connections

The NI TB-2642B terminal block connects the banks of the module to create the 1-wire dual 16×32 matrix topology.


Column Pin Connections

The following table refers to the J13 connector on the NI TB-2642B.

Pin Number Column Pin Number Column Pin Number Column Pin Number Column
Pin 1 C0 Pin 9 C8 Pin 17 C16 Pin 25 C24
Pin 2 C1 Pin 10 C9 Pin 18 C17 Pin 26 C25
Pin 3 C2 Pin 11 C10 Pin 19 C18 Pin 27 C26
Pin 4 C3 Pin 12 C11 Pin 20 C19 Pin 28 C27
Pin 5 C4 Pin 13 C12 Pin 21 C20 Pin 29 C28
Pin 6 C5 Pin 14 C13 Pin 22 C21 Pin 30 C29
Pin 7 C6 Pin 15 C14 Pin 23 C22 Pin 31 C30
Pin 8 C7 Pin 16 C15 Pin 24 C23 Pin 32 C31

Row Pin Connections

The NI TB-2642B provides two ribbon cable headers for row connection. Use one cable header to connect to your application. Use the other cable header for column expansion.

The following table lists the pin assignments for row connection.

Pin Number Row
1 RO
2 R1
3 R2
4 R3
5 R4
6 R5
7 R6
8 R7
9 R8
10 R9
11 R10
12 R11
13 R12
14 R13
15 R14
16 R15

Row Protection Bypass Header

Each row signal is isolated from the reed relays through a 100 Ω resistor. To bypass this resistor, install a jumper on the appropriate pins of the header indicated in the table below. The following table lists the appropriate jumper position for bypassing the resistor on each row signal.

Bypassed Row NI TB-2641B
Header Pins Connected
R0 J14 1-2
R1 J14 5-6
R2 J14 9-10
R3 J14 13-14
R4 J15 1-2
R5 J15 5-6
R6 J15 9-10
R7 J15 13-14
R8 J16 1-2
R89 J16 5-6
R10 J16 9-10
R11 J16 13-14
R12 J17 1-2
R13 J17 5-6
R14 J17 9-10
R15 J17 13-14