PXIe-2529 Overview

PXIe-2529 Pinout


Table 1. Signal Descriptions
Signal Description
Bx Bank
Cx+ Positive column connection
Cx- Negative column connection
GND Ground connection
Rx+ Positive row connection
Rx- Negative row connection
RSVD Reserved, do not connect
TRIG IN Trigger input connection
TRIG OUT Trigger output connection
No connection

PXIe-2529 Topology

Matrix Configurations

The module can be used in the following matrix configurations:

  • 2-wire 4x32 Matrix
  • 2-wire 8x16 Matrix
  • 1-wire dual 4x16 Matrix

Each configuration supports immediate and scanning operation modes.

Relay Names

Bank 1 Relays Bank 2 Relays
B0R0C0...B0R0C15 B1R0C0...B1R0C15
B0R1C0...B0R1C15 B1R1C0...B1R1C15
B0R2C0...B0R2C15 B1R2C0...B1R2C15
B0R3C0...B0R3C15 B1R3C0...B1R3C15

1-Wire 4x32 Matrix

Module software name: 2529/2-Wire 4x32 Matrix (NISWITCH_TOPOLOGY_2529_2_WIRE_4X32_MATRIX)

Hardware Diagram


Making a Connection

In this topology, you can connect any row to any column. When connecting signals to r1, you would connect them to R1+ and R1– in the terminal block. When connecting signals to c0, you would connect them to C0+ and C0– in the terminal block.

Connect the channels using the niSwitch Connect Channels VI or the niSwitch_Connect. For example, to connect row 1 to column 1, call the niSwitch Connect Channels VI or the niSwitch_Connect function with the channel 1 parameter set to r1 and the channel 2 parameter set to c1.

When scanning the module in 4×32 matrix topology, a typical scan list entry could be r1->c20;. This entry routes the signal connected to row 1 to column 20.

Terminal Block Connections


The NI TB-2634 and NI TB-2636 terminal blocks configure the module as a 2-wire 4×32 matrix.

The following table lists the module pins and their associated column connections.

Connection Pins Connection Pins Connection Pins Connection Pins
C0+ B24 C8+ B19 C16+ B14 C24+ B9
C0- A24 C8- A19 C16- A14 C24- A9
C1+ B23 C9+ B18 C17+ B13 C25+ B8
C1- A23 C9- A18 C17- A13 C25- A8
C2+ B22 C10+ B17 C18+ B12 C26+ B7
C2- A22 C10- A17 C18- A12 C26- A7
C3+ B21 C11+ B16 C19+ B11 C27+ B6
C3- A21 C11- A16 C19- A11 C27- A6
C4+ C24 C12+ C19 C20+ C14 C28+ C9
C4- D24 C12- D19 C20- D14 C28- D9
C5+ C23 C13+ C18 C21+ C13 C29+ C8
C5- D23 C13- D18 C21- D13 C29- D8
C6+ C22 C14+ C17 C22+ C12 C30+ C7
C6- D22 C14- D17 C22- D12 C30- D7
C7+ C21 C15+ C16 C23+ C11 C31+ C6
C7- D21 C15- D16 C23- D11 C32- D6

The following table lists the module pins that the NI TB-2634 and NI TB-2636 short and the row connections created.

Connection Pins Connection Pins Connection Pins Connection Pins
R0+ B25,B15 R1+ C25,C15 R2+ B20,B10 R3+ C20,C10
R0- A25,A15 R1- D25,D15 R2- A20,A10 R3- D20,D10

2-Wire 8x16 Matrix

Module software name: 2529/2-Wire 8x16 Matrix (NISWITCH_TOPOLOGY_2529_2_WIRE_8X16_MATRIX)

Hardware Diagram


Making a Connection

In this topology, you can connect any row to any column. When connecting signals to r1, you would connect them to R1+ and R1– in the terminal block. When connecting signals to c0, you would connect them to C0+ and C0– in the terminal block.

Connect the channels using the niSwitch Connect Channels VI or the niSwitch_Connect. For example, to connect row 1 to column 1, call the niSwitch Connect Channels VI or the niSwitch_Connect function with the channel 1 parameter set to r1 and the channel 2 parameter set to c1.

When scanning the module in 8×16 matrix topology, a typical scan list entry could be r5->c1;. This entry routes the signal connected to row 5 to column 1.

Terminal Block Connections


The following table lists the module pins that the NI TB-2635 terminal block shorts and the column connections created. If you do not use the NI TB-2635 terminal block, short the pins externally to achieve a 2-wire 8×16 matrix topology. Refer to the module pinout for pin locations.

Connection Pins Connection Pins Connection Pins Connection Pins
C0+ B24, B14 C4+ C24,C14 C8+ B19,B9 C12+ C19,C9
C0- A24,A14 C4- D24,D14 C8- A19,A9 C12- D19,D9
C1+ B23,B13 C5+ C23,C13 C9+ B18,B8 C13+ C18,C8
C1- A23,A13 C5- D23,D13 C9- A18,A8 C13- D18,D8
C2+ B22,B12 C6+ C22,C12 C10+ B17,B7 C14+ C17,C7
C2- A22,A12 C6- D22,D12 C10- A17,A7 C14- D17,D7
C3+ B21,B11 C7+ C21,C11 C11+ B16,B6 C15+ C16,C6
C3- A21,A11 C7- D21,D11 C11- A16,A6 C15- D16,D6

The following table lists the module pins and their associated row connection.

Connection Pins Connection Pins Connection Pins Connection Pins
R0+ B25 R2+ B20 R4+ B15 R6+ B10
R0- A25 R2- A20 R4- A15 R6- A10
R1+ C25 R3+ C20 R5+ C15 R7+ C10
R1- D25 R3- D20 R5- D15 R7- D10

2-Wire Dual 4x16 Matrix

Module software name: 2529/2-Wire Dual 4x16 Matrix (NISWITCH_TOPOLOGY_2529_2_WIRE_DUAL_4X16_MATRIX)

Hardware Diagram


Making a Connection

The module in this topology creates two banks of 4×16 matrices. You can only connect rows and columns to rows and columns in the same bank. For more information about how to use the module in a dual 4×16 matrix configuration, visit ni.com/info and enter the info code, exudrg.

Connect the channels using the niSwitch Connect Channels VI or the niSwitch_Connect. For example, to connect bank 0 row 1 to bank 0 column 1, call the niSwitch Connect Channels VI or the niSwitch_Connect function with the channel 1 parameter set to b0r1 and the channel 2 parameter set to b0c1.

When scanning the module in dual 4×16 matrix topology, a typical scan list entry could be b0r1->b0c1. This entry routes the signal connected to bank 0 row 1 to bank 0 column 1.

Note You can, for example, connect b0r1 to b0c0; however, you cannot connect b0r1 directly to b1c1 in this topology. When connecting signals to b0r1, you would connect them to B0R1+ and B0R1– in the terminal block. When connecting signals to b0c0, you would connect them to B0C0+ and B0C0– in the terminal block.

Bank Connection Diagram


PXIe-2529 Matrix Expansion

You can expand the module matrix using either the NI TB-2634, NI TB-2635, or the NI TB-2636 terminal block. The terminal block you are using determines the matrix expansion procedure.

Terminal Block Toplogy (Row × Column)
NI TB-2634 2-wire 4×32, 2-wire dual 4×16
NI TB-2635 2-wire 8×16
NI TB-2636 2-wire 4×32

Using the NI TB-2634

The NI TB-2634 ships with three 2×16 ribbon cable connectors. You will need to supply and attach your own ribbon cables.

To expand the module you will need the following items:

  • Ribbon cable connectors
  • Ribbon cable
  • Two or more NI TB-2634 terminal blocks
  • Two or more switch modules

Terminal Reference


Expanding the Module Columns

Complete the following steps to expand the module columns using an NI TB-2634 terminal block.

  1. Connect one end of the ribbon cable to the row ribbon cable header on one NI TB-2634.
  2. Connect the ribbon cable to the row ribbon cable header on another NI TB-2634.
  3. (Optional) To further expand the columns, attach another connector to the ribbon cable, and repeat the previous step.


Expanding the Module Rows

Complete the following steps to expand the module rows using an NI TB-2634 terminal block.

  1. Connect one end of the ribbon cable to the first column ribbon cable header on one NI TB-2634.
  2. Connect the ribbon cable to the first column ribbon cable header on another NI TB-2634.
  3. (Optional) To further expand the rows, attach another connector to the ribbon cable, and repeat the previous step.
  4. Repeat the previous steps to connect the second column ribbon cable headers on the NI TB-2634 terminal blocks.

Using the NI TB-2635

Use the NI TB-2635 and bare wire to expand the module.

  • Bare wire
  • Ribbon cable
  • Two or more NI TB-2635 terminal blocks
  • Two or more switch modules

Terminal Reference


Expanding the Module Columns

Complete the following steps to expand the module columns using an NI TB-2634 terminal block.

  1. Connect one end of the bare wire to a row screw terminal on one NI TB-2635.
  2. Connect the other end of the bare wire to the corresponding row screw terminal on another NI TB-2635.
  3. (Optional) To expand module columns further, attach another bare wire to the row screw terminal you accessed in the previous step. Connect the other end of the bare wire to the corresponding row screw terminal on another NI TB-2635.
  4. Repeat the previous steps for all rows.

Expanding the Module Rows

Complete the following steps to expand the module rows using an NI TB-2635 terminal block.

  1. Connect one end of the bare wire to a column screw terminal on one NI TB-2635.
  2. Connect the other end of the bare wire to the corresponding column screw terminal on another NI TB-2635.
  3. (Optional) To further expand the rows, attach another bare wire to the column screw terminal you accessed in the previous step. Connect the other end of the bare wire to the corresponding column screw terminal on another NI TB-2635.
  4. Repeat the previous steps for all columns.

Using the NI TB-2636

Use the NI TB-2636 and bare wire to expand the module.

  • Bare wire
  • Ribbon cable
  • Two or more NI TB-2636 terminal blocks
  • Two or more switch modules

Terminal Reference


Expanding the Module Columns

Complete the following steps to expand the module columns using an NI TB-2634 terminal block.

  1. Connect one end of the bare wire to a row screw terminal on one NI TB-2636.
  2. Connect the other end of the bare wire to the corresponding row screw terminal on another NI TB-2636.
  3. (Optional) To expand module columns further, attach another bare wire to the row screw terminal you accessed in the previous step. Connect the other end of the bare wire to the corresponding row screw terminal on another NI TB-2636.
  4. Repeat the previous steps for all rows.

Expanding the Module Rows

Complete the following steps to expand the module rows using an NI TB-2636 terminal block.

  1. Connect one end of the bare wire to a column screw terminal on one NI TB-2636.
  2. Connect the other end of the bare wire to the corresponding column screw terminal on another NI TB-2636.
  3. (Optional) To further expand the rows, attach another bare wire to the column screw terminal you accessed in the previous step. Connect the other end of the bare wire to the corresponding column screw terminal on another NI TB-2636.
  4. Repeat the previous steps for all columns.

PXIe-2529 Relay Replacement

The module uses electromechanical armature relays.

Relay Manufacturer Part
Aromat (NAiS) AGQ210A4H

Disassemble the Module

Complete the following sets of steps to disassemble your module, replace a failed relay, and reassemble your module.

  1. Ground yourself using a grounding strap or a ground connected to your PXI chassis.
    Note Properly grounding yourself prevents damage to your module from electrostatic discharge.
  2. Locate the relay you want to replace.
    1. Determine the channel name for the relay using the Bank Connection Diagram for your topology.
    2. Match the channel name to its corresponding relay name using the following tables.
      Table 2. Daughterboard Relay Locations (Top View)
      Channel NameRelay NameChannel NameRelay NameChannel NameRelay NameChannel NameRelay Name
      Table 3. Daughterboard Relay Locations (Bottom View)
      Channel NameRelay NameChannel NameRelay NameChannel NameRelay NameChannel NameRelay Name
    3. Use the relay name to locate the relay on the daughterboard.
      Note Relay names are printed on the PCB.
      Note Older versions of this module might have plastic lead covers that you must remove. The module retains full specifications even if these covers are not reinstalled.
  3. Remove the four screws and two lead covers (if present) that secure the daughterboard to the switch assembly.
  4. To gain access the bottom of the daughterboard, disconnect the PCB interconnect cable by lifting the PCB cable latch on the J1 connector.
  5. Locate the assembly and serial number labels on the board with the relay you want to replace. White labels indicate the board was assembled using lead solder (Sn 63 Pb 37). Green labels indicate the board was assembled using lead-free solder (Sn 96.5 Ag 3.0 Cu 0.5). Lead-free assemblies have assembly numbers ending in L.

Replace the Relay

Make sure you have the following items:
  • Temperature-regulated soldering iron set to 316 °C (600 °F) for lead solder rework or 371 °C (700 °F) for lead-free solder rework
  • 63/37 Tin/Lead solder (flux core) for lead solder rework
  • 96.5/3.0/0.5 Tin/Silver/Copper solder (flux core) for lead-free solder rework
  • Solder wick
  • Fine pick
  • Isopropyl alcohol
  • Cotton swabs
Note NI recommends using lead-free solder for relay replacement on lead-free assemblies, and lead solder for relay replacement on lead assemblies.
Note Do not rework lead assemblies using a lead-free work station. Lead solder from the unit could contaminate the station.
Note If a lead-free assembly is reworked with lead solder, label the assembly to indicate this condition. This rework can prevent the same unit from being reworked later on a lead-free solder station, because it could contaminate the station.

If you have a surface mount rework station, replace the relay as you would any other surface mount part. Otherwise, complete the following steps to replace the relay:

  1. Use the soldering iron and solder wick to remove as much solder from the relay pads as possible. Do not leave the soldering iron on any lead for more than 5 seconds.
    Note If it is necessary to reapply the soldering iron to the pad, allow the connection to cool completely before reapplying the soldering iron.
  2. Apply heat to the pads one at a time, and use the pick to gently pry the relay pins from the pads. Make sure that the solder is molten before prying.
    Note Using excessive force on a soldered pad can result in lifting the PCB trace and ruining the board.
  3. Remove the relay.
  4. Clean the pads with isopropyl alcohol and cotton swabs.
  5. Place the new relay on the PCB pads and solder.
  6. Remove the excess flux with isopropyl alcohol and cotton swabs.
    Note Do not use flux remover to clean the board after relay replacement.

Reassemble the Module

Complete Disassemble the Module in reverse order to reassemble your module.

Note In NI-SWITCH 3.1 or later, you can use the Switch Soft Front Panel to reset the relay count after you have replaced a failed relay. Refer to the Switch Soft Front Panel Help for more information