LED Indicators

The following figure shows the front panel LEDs. The following table describes the LED states.

Figure 3. Front Panel LEDs

  1. Power Supply LED
  2. Temperature LED
  3. Fan LED
Table 1. Front Panel LED States
LED State Description
Power Supply LED Off Chassis is powered off.
Steady green Chassis power supply or supplies are active, and operating normally.
Blinking red In a redundant power setup, one power supply has failed.
Steady red The chassis power supply or supplies have failed.
Temperature LED Off Chassis is powered off.
Steady green Intake or exhaust temperature is within chassis operating range.
Steady red Intake or exhaust temperature is outside of chassis operating range.
Fan LED Off Chassis is powered off.
Steady green All chassis fans are enabled and operating normally.
Steady red One or more chassis fans have failed.
All LEDs Blinking red An internal chassis fault has occurred.

The chassis power supply has a single LED that indicates the health of that supply. The following table describes the rear panel LED states. Refer to the Rear View of the PXIe-1095 figure in the Chassis Components topic for the LED location.

Table 2. Rear Power Supply LED States
State Description
Off Power supply is unplugged or in standby.
Steady green Main power is active and supply is operating normally.
Blinking red Power supply is operating outside of specification.
Steady red Power supply has failed.