PXI-5671 Overview

The PXI-5671 Vector Signal Generator consists of the following two PXI hardware modules:

  • PXI-5441 Waveform Generator—16 bit, 100 MS/s arbitrary waveform generator (AWG) PXI module (400 MS/s interpolated) with digital upconverter (DUC)
  • PXI-5610 RF Signal Upconverter—2.7 GHz RF superheterodyne upconverter PXI module
Note There is no physical device labeled "PXI-5671". The PXI-5671 is the instrument comprised of the PXI-5610 and the PXI-5441 modules. The PXI-5671 is operated by NI-RFSG.

The PXI-5671 has the following characteristics and features:

  • 250 kHz to 2.7 GHz frequency range
  • -145 dBm to +10 dBm amplitude range
  • 20 MHz instantaneous bandwidth with DUC disabled, 6.6 MHz with DUC enabled
  • 10 MHz oven-controlled crystal oscillator (OCXO) timebase with ±20 ppb frequency stability, ±50 ppb frequency accuracy
  • 132 dB compression-to-noise dynamic range
  • -120 dBm/Hz typical noise density (0 dBm output level, 15 °C to 35 °C)
  • ≥512 MB of AWG module onboard waveform memory
  • NI-RFSG instrument driver software transparently operates both modules as a single unit
  • Three-slot wide PXI/3U CompactPCI form factor

The PXI-5671 follows industry-standard Plug&Play specifications for the PXI bus and allows seamless integration with compliant systems.

Note Refer to the PXI-5671 Specifications for the most recent module specifications.

The PXI-5671 hardware modules interconnect using SMA-SMB coaxial cables, included in your hardware kit, as illustrated in the following figure. Refer to the PXI-5671 Getting Started Guide for more information about interconnecting hardware modules.