PXI-2720 Overview
- Updated2023-02-18
- 7 minute(s) read
PXI-2720 Overview
PXI-2720 Pinout
Signal | Description |
Bx+ | Positive bank connection |
Bx- | Negative bank connection |
CHx+ | Positive signal connection |
CHx- | Negative signal connection |
HI | HI input connection |
HI SENSE | HI sense connection |
LO | LO input connection |
LO SENSE | LO sense connection |
— | No connection |
PXI-2720 Hardware Diagram
This figure shows the hardware diagram of the module.
Refer to the following list for relay names on the module.
- kb0r0, kb0r1...kb0r7
- kb1r0, kb1r1...kb1r7
- kb2r0, kb2r1...kb2r7
- kb3r0, kb3r1...kb3r7
- kb4r0, kb4r1...kb4r7
- kb5r0, kb5r1...kb5r7
- kb6r0, kb6r1...kb6r7
- kb7r0, kb7r1...kb7r7
- kb8r0, kb8r1...kb8r7
- kb9r0, kb9r1...kb9r7
- kb0...kb9
- kb0shunt...kb9shunt
- kbc01, kbc12...kbc89
- ktest0, ktest1...ktest5
PXI-2720 Topology
This figure describes the topology of the module.
Module software name: 2720/Independent (NISWITCH_TOPOLOGY_2720_INDEPENDENT)
The module is composed of reed relays in parallel with discrete resistors. The module has 10 channels that can nominally switch from 0 Ω to 255 Ω in 1 Ω steps.
Independent Topology
Making a Connection
Each 8-bit channel is composed of one bank on the module. For example, ch0 is composed of bank 0 and ch1 is composed of bank 1. NI has created a set of reference VIs that will programmatically open and close relays based on a user-specified resistance value or RTD temperature to simulate. To access these reference VIs, visit ni.com/r/272xoverview.. NI recommends using this set of reference VIs for the easiest programming experience. If not using these reference VIs, NI recommends using the low-level relay control VIs or functions instead of the connect channel VIs or functions. The DAQmx Relay API supports closing multiple relays in a single driver call, which is faster than the channel API.
When a bank relay is closed, the corresponding resistor is placed in parallel with the low resistance of the relay, which nominally equates to a zero Ω shunt. Closing any of the 8 bank relays in a given bank decreases the resistance of that bank.
For example, the following procedure uses the NI-SWITCH Relay API to short across the largest resistor in bank 0 and join bank 0 and bank 1 in series.
- Close b0r7 by calling the niSwitch Relay Control VI with the inputs of b0r7 and close.
- Close bc01 by calling the niSwitch Relay Control VI with the inputs of bc01 and close.
You can perform the same operation using the NI-SWITCH Channel API, as shown below.
- Connect b0->b0r7 by calling niSwitch Connect Channels VI with the inputs of b0 and b0r7.
- Connect b0->b1 by calling niSwitch Connect Channels VI with the inputs of b0 and b1.
Each bank is initially in a high impedance (open) state across the bank terminals. To enable the desired output channel you must first connect the bank relay, bN.
Each bank includes a shunt relay that completely bypasses the bank's string of 8 series relays. Closing the shunt relay bN->bNshunt, for example, b0->b0shunt or low-level kb0shunt, results in a low resistance across the bank, 0 Ω nominally. This allows the module to pass signals with minimal attenuation.
The 4-pin front panel test connector can connect to any adjacent pair of even-odd banks, allowing resistance measurements, or voltage measurements, across those two banks, for example b0 to b1, b2 to b3, b4 to b5. To connect a pair of banks to the test leads, close the appropriate test relays using the command testN->testout. For example, to measure the resistance across banks 0 and 1, call test0->testout and test1->testout. For banks 2 and 3, call test1->testout and test2->testout. Refer to the device's hardware diagram for valid test relay connections.
Relay Replacement
The module uses reed relays.
Refer to the following table for information about ordering replacement relays.
Replacement Relay | Part Number |
Coto (all relays) | 9117-0001 |
NI relay kit (10 relays) | 781451-10 |
The module uses lead-free assemblies. Ensure you have the following:
- Temperature-regulated soldering iron set to 371 °C (700 °F) for lead-free solder rework
- 96.5/3.0/0.5 Tin/Silver/Copper solder (flux core) for lead-free solder rework
- Solder wick
- Fine pick
- Isopropyl alcohol
- Cotton swabs
Complete the following steps to disassemble your module and replace a failed relay.
- Ground yourself using a grounding strap or a ground connected to your PXI chassis.
Note Properly grounding yourself prevents damage to your module from electrostatic discharge.
- Locate the relay you want to replace. Refer to the following figure and table for relay
Figure 1. Module Relay Map Relay Name Reference Designator Relay Name Reference Designator Relay Name Reference Designator Relay Name Reference Designator kb0shunt K1 kb2r2 K30 kb5shunt K59 kb7r2 K88 kb0 K2 kb2r3 K31 kb5 K60 kb7r3 K89 kbc01 K3 kb2r4 K32 kbc56 K61 kb7r4 K90 ktest0 K4 kb2r5 K33 ktest3 K62 kb7r5 K91 kb0r0 K5 kb2r6 K34 kb5r0 K63 kb7r6 K92 kb0r1 K6 kb2r7 K35 kb5r1 K64 kb7r7 K93 kb0r2 K7 kb3shunt K36 kb5r2 K65 kb8shunt K94 kb0r3 K8 kb3 K37 kb5r3 K66 kb8 K95 kb0r4 K9 kbc34 K38 kb5r4 K67 kbc89 K96 kb0r5 K10 ktest2 K39 kb5r5 K68 kb8r0 K97 kb0r6 K11 kb3r0 K40 kb5r6 K69 kb8r1 K98 kb0r7 K12 kb3r1 K41 kb5r7 K70 kb8r2 K99 kb1shunt K13 kb3r2 K42 kb6shunt K71 kb8r3 K100 kb1 K14 kb3r3 K43 kb6 K72 kb8r4 K101 kbc12 K15 kb3r4 K44 kbc67 K73 kb8r5 K102 test1 K16 kb3r5 K45 kb6r0 K74 kb8r6 K103 kb1r0 K17 kb3r6 K46 kb6r1 K75 kb8r7 K104 kb1r1 K18 kb3r7 K47 kb6r2 K76 kb9shunt K105 kb1r2 K19 kb4shunt K48 kb6r3 K77 kb9 K106 kb1r3 K20 kb4 K49 kb6r4 K78 — — kb1r4 K21 kbc45 K50 kb6r5 K79 test5 K108 kb1r5 K22 kb4r0 K51 kb6r7 K80 kb9r0 K109 kb1r6 K23 kb4r1 K52 kb6r6 K81 kb9r1 K110 kb1r7 K24 kb4r2 K53 kb7shunt K82 kb9r2 K111 kb2shunt K25 kb4r3 K54 kb7 K83 kb9r3 K112 kb2 K26 kb4r4 K55 kbc78 K84 kb9r4 K113 kbc23 K27 kb4r5 K56 test4 K85 kb9r5 K114 kb2r0 K28 kb4r6 K57 kb7r0 K86 kb9r6 K115 kb2r1 K29 kb4r7 K58 kb7r1 K87 kb9r7 K116 - Remove the front panel, as shown in the following image.
Figure 2. Removing the Front Panel - Bracket
- Front Panel
- Front Panel Overlay
- Screws
- Remove the bracket, as shown in the following image.
Figure 3. Removing the Bracket - CA3 Digital Back End
- Bracket
- Daughter Card
- Screws
- Replace the relay as you would any other through-hole part. Trim the replaced relay leads to no more than 1 mm (0.04 in.) from the PCB.