Matrix Expansion

You can expand the matrices of the NI PXI/PXIe-2532/2532B (NI 2532/2532B) by increasing the number of columns in the matrix.

To expand the number of columns, use the terminal block row connection headers to connect the rows on adjacent terminal blocks. The following table lists the available terminal blocks and matrix configurations that support column expansion.

Terminal Block Configuration (Row × Column)
NI TB-2642B 1-wire 4×128
NI TB-2642B 1-wire 16×32
NI TB-2643B 1-wire Dual 4×64
NI TB-2643B 2-wire 4×64
NI TB-2644B 1-wire Dual 8×32
NI TB-2644B 2-wire 8×32
NI TB-2645B 1-wire Dual 16×16
NI TB-2645B 2-wire 16×16
NI TB-2646B 1- wire Quad 4×32
NI TB-2646B 2-wire Dual 4×32
NI TB-2641B 1-wire 8×64

Most terminal blocks feature row connection headers that enable you to join rows on two adjacent terminal blocks to expand the number of columns in a matrix. These terminal blocks include two row connection header sets with identical pinouts. The NI TB-2646B includes two row connection header sets with differing pinouts. Refer to the NI Switches Help and the NI TB-2646B Installation Instructions for row connection header pinouts.