1-Wire Dual 8×32 Matrix Topology

The NI TB-2651 terminal block creates a 1-wire dual 8×32 matrix topology with the module.


Making a Connection

For bank 0, both the scanning command, b0r1->b0c1;, and the immediate operation, niSwitch Connect Channels VI or the niSwitch_Connect function with parameters b0r2 and b0c1, result in the following connection:

  • signal connected to B0R1 is routed to B0C1

For bank 1, both the scanning command, b1r1->b1c1;, and the immediate operation, niSwitch Connect Channels VI or the niSwitch_Connect function with parameters b1r2 and b1c1, result in the following connection:

  • signal connected to B1R1 is routed to B1C1
Note While you can, for example, connect B0R1 to B0C0, you cannot connect B0R1 directly to B1C1 in this topology.

Terminal Block Connections

The NI TB-2651 terminal block connects the banks of the module to create the 1-wire dual 8×32 matrix topology.