PXI-2512 Overview

PXI-2512 Pinout


Table 1. Signal Descriptions
Signal Description
BUSn Fault bus connection
CHn Signal connection
DUTn DUT connection
Table 2. LED Descriptions
LED Color/State Status
STATUS Green OK, no channel errors present on module
Red Error detected on one or more channels on module
DUTn Off Open channel
Green Pass-through channel closed (CHn to DUTn)
Blink Amber Once DUTn connected to fault bus A
Blink Amber Twice DUTn connected to fault bus B
Solid Amber Any combination of multiple DUTn paths closed (CHn, BusA, BusB)
Blink Red Once[1] Overtemperature error detected on DUTn
Solid Red[2] Overcurrent error detected on DUTn

PXI-2512 Topology

This figure describes the topology of the module.

Module software name: 2512/Independent (NISWITCH_TOPOLOGY_2512_INDEPENDENT)

Independent Topology



  • k0...k6
  • k0a...k6a
  • k0b...k6b

Making a Connection

Both the scanning command, dut1->busA;, and the immediate operation, niSwitch Connect Channels VI or the niSwitch_Connect function with parameters dut1 and busA, result in the following connection:

signal connected to DUT1 is routed to busA

1 Overcurrent condition does not exist at the time the overtemperature condition was detected.

2 Overtemperature condition might or might not exist.