NI Update Service

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Programming Language
Current manual

NI Update Service Categories and Icons

NI Update Service Categories and Icons

NI Update Service categories and icons indicate the urgency and type of updates available.


The updates are arranged in three categories, as follows:

CriticalIndicates updates that resolve issues such as crashes, computational errors, math errors, or problems that could result in inaccurate data. Critical updates also marked as URGENT should be installed to avoid injury or to resolve serious issues such as unrecoverable system errors. NI strongly recommends that you install these updates.
PatchIndicates updates that resolve issues such as edit-time errors, software incompatibility, and other minor bug fixes.
Upgrades and Service PacksIndicates non-urgent upgrades or service packs for installed NI software.


Updates may be marked with one or more of the following icons:

Alert Indicates the updater detected a condition for which there is no software to download. A link will direct you to more information about the issue.
Standard Service Program NeededIndicates NI-recommended updates that enhance the current functionality of a program, including periodic minor releases. You must purchase a Standard Service Program (SSP) plan before you can install these updates.
Incompatibility Warning Indicates an incompatibility with other NI software. NI recommends that you attempt to resolve the incompatibility before installing this update.
Critical IncompatibilityIndicates a critical incompatibility with other NI software. NI strongly recommends that you resolve this incompatibility before installing this update, if possible. If you cannot resolve the incompatibility, you can either cancel the update or proceed with the update with the awareness that there is an outstanding issue.
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