NI PXI-2501/2503 2-Wire 4×6 Matrix Topology

When using the NI PXI-2501/2503 as a 2-wire 4×6 matrix, connect your signals using the NI TB-2606 terminal block. The following figure is a representation of the NI PXI-2501/2503 in this mode.

Making a Connection

In this topology, connect your positive and negative leads to Cx± or Rx± inside the NI TB-2606 terminal block.

During scanning, an example scan list entry is r2->c1;. This entry routes the signal connected to R2+ to C1+ and connects R2– to C1–.

During immediate operations when calling the niSwitch Connect Channels VI or the niSwitch_Connect function with r2 and c1, the signal connected to R2+ is routed to C1+ and the signal connected to R2– is routed to C1–. To route the signals to AB0, use the niSwitch Connect Channels VI or the niSwitch_Connect function with com0 and ab0.


The following figure and tables identify the pins for the NI PXI-2501/2503 in the 2-wire 4×6 matrix topology.

Software Name Polarity Hardware Name
NI PXI-2501/2503 Connector Pin Number NI TB-2606 Terminal Name
c0 + 67, 59, 50, 40 C0+
- 33, 25, 16, 6 C0-
c1 + 66, 58, 49, 39 C1+
- 32, 24, 15, 5 C1-
c2 + 65, 57, 48, 38 C2+
- 31, 23, 14, 4 C2-
c3 + 64, 55, 47, 37 C3+
- 30, 21, 13, 3 C3-
c4 + 63, 54, 46, 36 C4+
- 29, 20, 12, 2 C4-
c5 + 62, 53, 45, 35 C5+
- 28, 19, 11, 1 C5-
r0 + 61 R0+
- 27 R0-
r1 + 60 R1+
- 26 R1-
r2 + 44 R2+
- 10 R2-
r3 + 43 R3+
- 9 R3-
ab0 + 52 AB0+
- 18 AB0-
ab1 + 51 AB1+
- 17 AB1-

Additional Pin References

NI PXI-2501/2503 Connector Pin Number Signal name
7, 56 GND
68 CJS+
34 CJS-
22 1wireREF
Caution   Do not connect to RESERVED pins.