NI-SWITCH Soft Front Panel

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Accessing the NI-SWITCH Soft Front Panel

Accessing the NI-SWITCH Soft Front Panel

You can access the NI-SWITCH SFP from within Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX).

Note  The NI-SWITCH SFP does not support switch devices used with the LabVIEW Real-Time Module.

From MAX

  • Right-click on the switch device, and select Test Panels.

From a Command Line

To launch the NI-SWITCH SFP from the command line (such as by selecting Start»Run on Windows), use the following syntax:

"<SFP_path>" -- /device:<Device_name>

<SFP_path> is an absolute path to the installed SFP executable. For example, in a Windows 64 bit system, this location is:

C:\Program Files (x86)\IVI Foundation\IVI\Drivers\NI-Switch Soft Front Panel\NI-SWITCH_Soft_Front_Panel.exe

<Device_name> is the Switch module resource name. For example, Dev1.

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