NI-SWITCH 19.0 .NET Framework 4.0 API Reference

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SwitchPathCapability Enumeration

SwitchPathCapability Enumeration
Specifies the status of a path between two channels.

Namespace:  NationalInstruments.ModularInstruments.NISwitch
Assembly:  NationalInstruments.ModularInstruments.NISwitch.Fx40 (in NationalInstruments.ModularInstruments.NISwitch.Fx40.dll) Version: (


Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public Enumeration SwitchPathCapability
public enum SwitchPathCapability


Member nameDescription
Available Specifies that NI-SWITCH can create the path at this time.
ChannelNotAvailable Specifies that NI-SWITCH cannot create a path between the two channels because one of the channels is a configuration channel and unavailable for external connections.
Exists Specifies that the path already exists.
ResourceInUse Specifies that although the path is valid, NI-SWITCH cannot create the path at this moment because the switch is currently using one or more of the required channels to create another path. You must destroy the other path before creating this one.
SourceConflict Specifies that the instrument cannot create a path because both channels are connected to different source channels.
Unsupported Specifies that the instrument is not capable of creating a path between the channels you specify.

See Also

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