NI-SWITCH 19.0 .NET Framework 4.0 API Reference

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SwitchScanAdvancedOutput Properties

SwitchScanAdvancedOutput Properties

The SwitchScanAdvancedOutput type exposes the following members.


External Gets a value for the external trigger. The switch waits until it receives a trigger from an external source through the external trigger input before processing the next entry in the scan list.
FrontConnector Gets a value corresponding to the FrontConnector trigger. The switch waits until it receives a trigger on the front connector.
FrontConnectorModule1 Gets a value corresponding to the FrontConnectorModule1 trigger. The switch waits until it receives a trigger on the front connector module 1.
FrontConnectorModule10 Gets a value corresponding to the FrontConnectorModule10 trigger. The switch waits until it receives a trigger on the front connector module 10.
FrontConnectorModule11 Gets a value corresponding to the FrontConnectorModule11 trigger. The switch waits until it receives a trigger on the front connector module 11.
FrontConnectorModule12 Gets a value corresponding to the FrontConnectorModule12 trigger. The switch waits until it receives a trigger on the front connector module 12.
FrontConnectorModule2 Gets a value corresponding to the FrontConnectorModule2 trigger. The switch waits until it receives a trigger on the front connector module 2.
FrontConnectorModule3 Gets a value corresponding to the FrontConnectorModule3 trigger. The switch waits until it receives a trigger on the front connector module 3.
FrontConnectorModule4 Gets a value corresponding to the FrontConnectorModule4 trigger. The switch waits until it receives a trigger on the front connector module 4.
FrontConnectorModule5 Gets a value corresponding to the FrontConnectorModule5 trigger. The switch waits until it receives a trigger on the front connector module 5.
FrontConnectorModule6 Gets a value corresponding to the FrontConnectorModule6 trigger. The switch waits until it receives a trigger on the front connector module 6.
FrontConnectorModule7 Gets a value corresponding to the FrontConnectorModule10 trigger. The switch waits until it receives a trigger on the front connector module 7.
FrontConnectorModule8 Gets a value corresponding to the FrontConnectorModule8 trigger. The switch waits until it receives a trigger on the front connector module 8.
FrontConnectorModule9 Gets a value corresponding to the FrontConnectorModule10 trigger. The switch waits until it receives a trigger on the front connector module 9.
None Gets a value that indicates no implicit action on scanning connections.
PxiStar Gets a value corresponding to a trigger on the PXI star trigger bus before processing the next entry in the scan list.
RearConnector Gets a value corresponding to the RearConnector trigger. The switch waits until it receives a trigger on the rear connector.
RearConnectorModule1 Gets a value corresponding to the RearConnectorModule1 trigger. The switch waits until it receives a trigger on the rear connector module 1.
RearConnectorModule10 Gets a value corresponding to the RearConnectorModule10 trigger.The switch waits until it receives a trigger on the rear connector module 10.
RearConnectorModule11 Gets a value corresponding to the RearConnectorModule11 trigger.The switch waits until it receives a trigger on the rear connector module 11.
RearConnectorModule12 Gets a value corresponding to the RearConnectorModule12 trigger. The switch waits until it receives a trigger on the rear connector module 12.
RearConnectorModule2 Gets a value corresponding to the RearConnectorModule2 trigger.The switch waits until it receives a trigger on the rear connector module 2.
RearConnectorModule3 Gets a value corresponding to the RearConnectorModule3 trigger. The switch waits until it receives a trigger on the rear connector module 3.
RearConnectorModule4 Gets a value corresponding to the RearConnectorModule4 trigger. The switch waits until it receives a trigger on the rear connector module 4.
RearConnectorModule5 Gets a value corresponding to the RearConnectorModule5 trigger. The switch waits until it receives a trigger on the rear connector module 5.
RearConnectorModule6 Gets a value corresponding to the RearConnectorModule6 trigger. The switch waits until it receives a trigger on the rear connector module 6.
RearConnectorModule7 Gets a value corresponding to the RearConnectorModule7 trigger. The switch waits until it receives a trigger on the rear connector module 7.
RearConnectorModule8 Gets a value corresponding to the RearConnectorModule8 trigger. The switch waits until it receives a trigger on the rear connector module 8.
RearConnectorModule9 Gets a value corresponding to the RearConnectorModule9 trigger. The switch waits until it receives a trigger on the rear connector module 9.
Ttl0 Gets a value corresponding to a trigger on the PXI_TRIG0 line. The switch waits until it receives a trigger on the PXI_TRIG0 line before processing the next entry in the scan list.
Ttl1 Gets a value corresponding to a trigger on the PXI_TRIG1 line. The switch waits until it receives a trigger on the PXI_TRIG1 line before processing the next entry in the scan list.
Ttl2 Gets a value corresponding to a trigger on the PXI_TRIG2 line. The switch waits until it receives a trigger on the PXI_TRIG2 line before processing the next entry in the scan list.
Ttl3 Gets a value corresponding to a trigger on the PXI_TRIG3 line. The switch waits until it receives a trigger on the PXI_TRIG3 line before processing the next entry in the scan list.
Ttl4 Gets a value corresponding to a trigger on the PXI_TRIG4 line. The switch waits until it receives a trigger on the PXI_TRIG4 line before processing the next entry in the scan list.
Ttl5 Gets a value corresponding to a trigger on the PXI_TRIG5 line. The switch waits until it receives a trigger on the PXI_TRIG5 line before processing the next entry in the scan list.
Ttl6 Gets a value corresponding to a trigger on the PXI_TRIG6 line. The switch waits until it receives a trigger on the PXI_TRIG6 line before processing the next entry in the scan list.
Ttl7 Gets a value corresponding to a trigger on the PXI_TRIG7 line. The switch waits until it receives a trigger on the PXI_TRIG7 line before processing the next entry in the scan list.

See Also

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