NI-SWITCH 19.0 .NET Framework 4.0 API Reference

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SwitchDriverOperation Properties

SwitchDriverOperation Properties

The SwitchDriverOperation type exposes the following members.


Cache Gets or sets whether to cache the value of properties.
DriverSetup Gets the driver setup string used to set the initial values for properties that are specific to NI-SWITCH.
InterchangeCheck Gets or sets whether to perform interchangeability checking and retrieve interchangeability warnings.
IOResourceDescriptor Gets the resource name that the NI-SWITCH uses to identify the physical device.
LogicalName Gets the logical name that you specified when opening the current IVI session.
QueryInstrumentStatus Gets or sets whether NI-SWITCH queries the NI-SWITCH device status after each operation.
RangeCheck Gets or sets whether to validate proper values and method parameters. If you enable this property, NI-SWITCH validates the parameter values that you pass to NI-SWITCH methods.
RecordCoercions Gets or sets whether the IVI engine keeps a list of the value coercions it makes for integer and real type properties.
Simulate Gets or sets a value which indicates whether to simulate NI-SWITCH I/O operations.
SynchronizeCallbacks Gets or sets how events and callback delegates are invoked.

See Also

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