NI-SWITCH 19.0 .NET Framework 4.0 API Reference

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SwitchDriverIdentity Properties

SwitchDriverIdentity Properties

The SwitchDriverIdentity type exposes the following members.


Description Gets a String that contains a brief description of the specific driver.
Identifier Gets the String that contains an identifier for NI-Switch .NET API.
InstrumentFirmwareRevision Gets a string that contains the firmware revision information for the NI-SWITCH device that is currently in use.
InstrumentManufacturer Gets the name of the instrument manufacturer of the NI-SWITCH device that is currently in use.
InstrumentModel Gets the model number or name of the NI-SWITCH device that is currently in use.
Revision Gets a string which contains additional version information about the NI-SWITCH instrument driver.
SpecificationMajorVersion Gets the major version number of the IviSwtch class specification.
SpecificationMinorVersion Gets the minor version number of the class specification with which NI-SWITCH driver is compliant.
Vendor Gets the the name of the vendor that supplies the NI-SWITCH driver.

See Also

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