NI-SWITCH 19.0 .NET Framework 4.0 API Reference

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PowerDownLatchingRelaysAfterDebounce Property

PowerDownLatchingRelaysAfterDebounce Property
Gets or sets a value which indicates whether to power down latching relays after waiting for the relays to settle.

Namespace:  NationalInstruments.ModularInstruments.NISwitch
Assembly:  NationalInstruments.ModularInstruments.NISwitch.Fx40 (in NationalInstruments.ModularInstruments.NISwitch.Fx40.dll) Version: (


Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public Property PowerDownLatchingRelaysAfterDebounce As Boolean
public bool PowerDownLatchingRelaysAfterDebounce { get; set; }

Property Value

Type: System..::.Boolean
trueTruetruetrue (True in Visual Basic) if a call to Wait For Debounce ensures that the relays are settled and the latching relays are powered down; otherwise, falseFalsefalsefalse (False in Visual Basic).


ObjectDisposedException The PowerDownLatchingRelaysAfterDebounce property was accessed after the associated NISwitch.NISwitch object was disposed.

See Also

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