Configure RFSG Frequency Range Sweep VI

Defines the frequency range used to excite the device under test. It is specified by the start and stop frequencies and the number of points between the range, linearly spaced. Internally it is used to define the NI RFSG frequencies for PAE and PxdB measurements.



  • cdatavalref.png PAE Reference In

    Specifies the session reference handle of the PAE measurement session.

  • cdbl.png RFSG Start Frequency (Hz)

    Specifies the start frequency, in Hz, of the frequency sweep. The default value is 5 GHz.

  • cdbl.png RFSG Stop Frequency (Hz)

    Specifies the stop frequency, in Hz, of the frequency sweep. The default value is 6 GHz.

  • ci32.png Number of Frequency Steps

    Specifies the number of frequency steps to use in the frequency sweep. The default values is 5.

  • cerrcodeclst.png error in

    Error conditions that occur before this node runs. This input provides standard error in functionality.

  • idatavalref.png PAE Reference Out

    Returns the session reference handle of the PAE measurement session.

  • ierrcodeclst.png error out

    Error information. This output provides standard error out functionality.