LabVIEW VI Options


  • Check for broken VIs—When you enable this option, Package Builder checks for broken VIs while building packages. This option is disabled by default to improve performance. Enable this option when you want to debug VI errors.
  • Rebuild packed project libraries specified in Override Module Settings dialog- When you enable this option, Package Builder rebuilds any packed project libraries specified in the Override Module dialog for sequence files. Enabling this option ensures that the packed project libraries you deploy are up to date, but will increase build time.
  • Apply new password—Enable this option to prevent VI editing. Applying a password is incompatible with removing VI diagrams. This option is disabled when you enable the Remove Block Diagrams option.
    • Password—Set the password to apply to VIs you deploy. VIs that already have a password retain their original password. When you lock VIs with a password, you cannot edit them without entering the password.
  • Support VIs destination—Options to configure where subVIs of top-level VIs referenced from TestStand sequence files in the deployment are staged. For each target root directory which contains subVIs, a separate directory is generated relative to the target root directory.
    • Package—Use this drop-down to select in which package you want to include the support VIs.
    • Relative path—Use this field to specify a relative path for the support VIs.
    • Place files in a VI library (.LLB)—When you enable this option, subVIs of top-level VIs referenced from TestStand sequence files in the deployment are staged into a single VI library file contained within the location specified in the Relative path field.
      • VI Library Base Name—If the Place files in a VI library (.LLB) option is enabled, this option specifies the name of the VI library, without the .LLB extension.
  • Exclude files from vi.lib—Excludes all files in the LabVIEW vi.lib directory from the deployment. This option must be enabled for packages that will be executed on a machine without the LabVIEW Development System installed.
  • Exclude files from user.lib—Excludes all files in the LabVIEW user.lib directory from the deployment. This option must be enabled for packages that will be executed on a machine without the LabVIEW Development System installed.
  • Exclude files from instr.lib—Excludes all files in the LabVIEW instr.lib directory from the deployment. This option must be enabled for packages that will be executed on a machine without the LabVIEW Development System installed.
  • Remove block diagrams—When you enable this option, Package Builder removes the block diagrams of VIs in the deployment to prevent users from viewing and editing the block diagrams. If you enable this option, you cannot also enable the Apply New Password option.
  • Remove unused polymorphic VI instances—Removes unused polymorphic VI instances from code modules reference. This option does not remove any files that are directly referenced in a sequence file or workspace project.
  • Remove unused members of project libraries—Removes unused project library members during the build process. If you enable this option, Package Builder includes only VIs from the library called directly from the block diagram. Enabling this option reduces the application size, since Package Builder does not include the other VIs referenced by the same project library unless the VIs are referenced by other VIs that are included in the deployment.
    • Modify project library file after removing unused members—If you remove unused members of the project library, enabling this option allows Package Builder to modify the library so that the library file does not refer to the removed members. If you do not modify the project library, the deployment may take longer to stage.